Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [verb] [num ord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Andy Roxburgh , the Scotland coach , said their consistency during the campaign made their return to the side essential after both missed last month 's defeat by Yugoslavia because of injury .
2 Confimation of this came last week when the longest-ever Education Bill was set before Parliament .
3 Finally , it was also found that the average self-reported first age of use of heroin by 236 clients of the Detoxification Unit was 17 years , with the age range 16–18 years accounting for nearly half of all reported first ages of heroin use .
4 and er , it was gone eleven I would of thought , anyway he stopped and I slept like a log , got up at twenty past six , but erm , it 's a strange thing because one of those came last evening and it parked outside George 's , now I said yesterday , when Alan goes to work , it 's not long after six normally to go up to London and that
5 These results will step up pressure for roundtable talks between party and reformers , along the lines of those held last year all over Eastern Europe .
6 Labour has a clear programme for action that has been endorsed at successive party conferences , including that held last month .
7 However , City economists expect Britain 's trade deficit to improve , but with few expecting next year 's trade gap to be better than the £15 billion figure forecast by Mr Major in his autumn statement .
8 ‘ The need for elderly people is desperate as well as for those wanting first time homes . ’
9 Since claims by non-State third parties will not normally be presented before an international forum and are not directly governed by the terms of the Vienna Convention , the outcome may well be significantly different from those involving third States .
10 Thus in patients taking NSAIDs synthesis of LTB 4 was 2.2 ( 0.8–4.5 ) pg/mg ( n=24 ) in those taking second line treatment compared with 0.8 ( 0.0–2.3 ) pg/mg ( n=41 ) in patients not on these drugs ( p<0.006 ) .
11 The reality of meaning therefore , would only be accessible to some idealized third person who was able to observe the relation between the particulars .
12 The thieves ' favourite remains mountain bikes , with many among those taken last week .
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