Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [noun pl] ' [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Student Kevin Bayliss said raising the money was ‘ extremely difficult ’ and expressed concern for this years ' first and second year .
2 I carried out stone from the cave , and after many days ' hard work I had a large cave in the side of the hill .
3 But after several hours ' hard canoeing , when the Hokule'a was due west of the island of Lanai , in the channel known as Kealaikahiki , or ‘ The Path to Tahiti ’ , a vicious swell blew up .
4 Two differing interpretations , both stressing the role in history of class conflict yet both bearing the distinctive hallmarks of each writers ' individual ideological perspective .
5 The result is that the shock of these artists ' social criticism is defused .
6 During the last few years , we have begun to learn something of these mothers ' true feelings from the women who suffered the regime at first hand : what stands out in such accounts is the emotion which is still generated in the mother by her own memories .
7 Of all mornings ' light echoes
8 Reducing waiting lists is at the top of all politicians ' political agendas , regardless of their political persuasion .
9 Equally bizarre is the sound world of many amphibians ' favourite prey — the insects .
10 His award came as recognition of many years ' outstanding voluntary service , especially through his contribution to Anglo-American relations .
11 On the basis of many years ' detailed observation of infants , they argue for the existence of what they call ‘ innate intersubjectivity ’ as a universal motivation , present in the newborn and peculiar to our species , that leads the child to acquire symbolic understanding .
12 A youngish doctor employed full-time to look after the health of the Verfassung-schutz 's agents had been caught , by pure chance , passing on the details of those agents ' medical histories and personal problems to the Other Side .
13 If gallerists now sense a hesitancy on the part of collectors , this is not the direct or exclusive result of those collectors ' financial circumstances post reunification .
14 Thus the central and distinctive features of ‘ voluntarism ’ in Britain , arbitration courts in Australia and Denmark , and the concept of ‘ exclusive ’ bargaining representation in the United States emerged early in the formation of those countries ' industrial relations ( Kerr et al . ,
15 It is invoked as an instance of those communities ' internal solidarity .
16 The RF Defence and Foreign Ministries were to negotiate the status of troops on Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS ) states ' territories not forming part of those states ' armed forces or of the CIS strategic forces .
17 By December 1761 the observations and modifications of several years ' practical experience led Sutton to believe he had perfected his method .
18 It combines together the effects of both parents ' social class , occupation , and attitudes , in a common physical and social environment .
19 A comparison of both companies ' 1991 accounts , show a fifth of the fixed assets , a fifth of the net assets and a third of net rental income stem from the Oldham buildings .
20 The result accurately reflected the election campaign , which had sharply polarized the country on political , racial and class lines , despite the similarity , if not the style of presentation , of both candidates ' short-term economic adjustment policies .
21 Personal memories : of the larger knots of passengers at reopened Templecombe than at most other stations between Exeter and Salisbury , a route far busier and better served than ten years ago ; but of travelling from Southampton to Newton Abbot via Westbury having dinner with a traveller from London to Crewkerne , the common Westbury-Taunton section way north of both passengers ' direct line being attractive because of the faster pace of HSTs .
22 A Highland pony could carry the average six foot man easily , but he would still look long legged on him even allowing for these ponies ' generous girths .
23 In time , beach reconnaissance would become a scientific study of landing areas and their immediate hinterland — the littoral across which Nigel Clogstoun-Willmott 's men would lead raiders and the van of invasions , guiding the landing craft crews with marker canoes and other devices that in part at least made up for these flotillas ' limited experience of coastal navigation .
24 Normative rulings , then , do not apply to a fixed role apart from the incumbent ; they can be developed only as individuals have the time and occasion to become familiar with each others ' past history and future intentions .
25 Under the plan , L&H 's 629 former partners are being asked to pay back over $40m over the next 10 years , with some partners ' personal assessments totalling as much as $400,000. 475 partners are thought to have approved the plan , but the remainder have either expressed their intention to appeal or have declared themselves personally bankrupt .
26 This barrenness of bacterial feedback coupled with many patients ' understandable neurosis makes the condition one that provides difficulties for patient and doctor alike .
27 The Chiefs of Staff and most senior officers on both sides of the Atlantic and Pacific knew each other , having served together on NATO , CENTO , and SEATO staffs and in exchange appointments in each others ' armed forces .
28 The Prime Minister , Shaikh Khalifa bin Sulman al-Khalifa , and the Vice-Chairman of the Baath Revolutionary Command Council of Iraq , Izzat Ibrahim , on Dec. 12 , 1989 , signed an agreement on non-interference in each others ' domestic affairs and on the non-use of force by either side .
29 There is even a possibility that the United States and the European Community will trade the rights for their respective airlines to operate within each others ' internal markets .
30 But monism has had many other manifestations : in the philosophy of Croce , in the one-form-one-meaning postulate of pretransformational linguistics , and not least , in some authors ' own sense of the artistic integrity and inviolability of their work ; in Tolstoy 's words : " This indeed is one of the significant facts about a true work of art — that its content in its entirety can be expressed only by itself . "
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