Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [noun pl] than [adv] " in BNC.

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1 There are some unavoidable costs er on that account , particularly on the engine programme where delays to the aircraft programme which result in extra costs on the engine side , are the customer 's liability , erm but the main increase in cost is actually in the equipment area and results I think , from the fact that the equipment prices turned out to be higher than was originally estimated at the start of the programme and also the fact that U K industry won a higher work share on equipment that we had originally been entitled to and budgeted for and lastly the point you mentioned that Germany has withdrawn from some parts of the requirement and that made certain equipments non-common and we have had to take a larger share of the costs of those equipments than originally planned .
2 Erm , but the main increase in cost is actually in the equipment area and results I think from the fact that the equipment prices turned out to be higher than was originally estimated at the start of the programme and also the fact that U K industry won a higher work share on equipment than we had originally been entitled to and budgeted for and lastly the point you mentioned that Germany has withdrawn from some parts of the requirement and that made certain equipments non common and we have had to take a larger share of the cost of those equipments than originally planned .
3 In whatever sense it is to be recognized as an objective fact that I am now responding in awareness of more factors than before , my reaction will likewise be objectively better than before .
4 We do not yet know the implications for job numbers of the reorganisation , but as stated in the AEA Times Bulletin there may be a need to plan for more reductions than previously anticipated .
5 Some species have benefited from the change in the downland agricultural scene , and Corn Buntings and Skylarks are now more numerous in these areas than elsewhere in the county and are the most characteristic birds of the downland .
6 Much of the housing is unfit for human habitation , and the proportion of dwellings which are overcrowded or lack basic amenities is much higher in these areas than elsewhere .
7 Mr Langdale added : ‘ He is quite clearly a ruined man — ruined in more senses than just one .
8 This is true in more ways than simply obtaining an Equity card .
9 There are more in those records than just Von Braun and his few .
10 Yet it often happens that when a new kung fu student enters a kwoon , with pre-conceived ideas about fighting , and is shown basic techniques that look as though they were aimed at primary school level , he looks for more in those techniques than there actually is .
11 As our national wealth increased , we have been able to devote much greater resources to these services than ever before .
12 There is more to these pieces than just a virtuosic exterior , though I should add that they are perhaps a great deal more amusing to perform than to listen to ‘ en bloc ’ .
13 In some ways mixed ability , with its orientation towards individual approaches to learning , provides the possibility of focusing more on those children than even was possible in the streamed situation .
14 We are giving more public support to more students than ever before .
15 Outcome in early treated subjects with phenylketonuria is not as good as was thought just a few years ago and is much more closely associated with the quality of blood phenylalanine control at all ages than previously recognised .
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