Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [noun sg] [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately the bed manufacturer had during that time increased the price to £120 each and this was their only source of supply .
2 With regard to the first question , the Court was evenly divided 4–4 and for that reason affirmed the judgement of the Lower Courts which had accepted the misappropriation doctrine .
3 On being told about this Guntram followed the dragon 's route and discovered some treasure , which he originally determined to send to Jerusalem , but then decided to use for a ciborium for the church of St Marcel at Chalon .
4 He lost little or nothing by the concession and , as we have seen , the papal letters had for some time indicated the likelihood of such a solution being acceptable at Rome .
5 Connected to the main library was a hexagonal room which for some time housed the school 's paperback bookshop .
6 I have for some time studied the prospects for the privatisation of British Rail .
7 This , coupled with the gossip that for some time surrounded the couple , soon convinced the constables they had the right people .
8 As already mentioned , the Irish bishops had for some time found the separation of church and state both a workable and desirable solution .
9 Gervold , abbot of St Wandrille , who had for some time supervised the exaction of tolls at various Channel ports ( particularly Quentovic ) and established cordial relations with Offa , evidently mollified Charlemagne and a trade embargo was not maintained .
10 The fact that the applicants in the main proceedings had for some time circumvented the objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy did not give them any legitimate expectation that they would be allowed to continue to do so in the future .
11 That is , it might be that he had fully internalized the requisite mental structure , but for some reason lacked the capacity to use it .
12 These breed clubs have regenerated interest in the people who had for some reason left the breed and have now been asked to return to spread their knowledge to the younger members .
13 Ironically , the cost of maintaining the manpower and machinery necessary for this performance killed the Evening News .
14 The climax of the fortnight was the Grand Edwardian-Ball , which was the most important occasion of the whole winter , and thinking up suitable costumes for this event kept the ladies occupied for weeks beforehand .
15 The use of jadeite amulets for renal complaints in seventeenth-century England stemmed ultimately from the Aztecs , whose use of the material for this purpose aroused the interest of their Spanish conquerors and , as we have seen , gave rise to the word jade .
16 Instinctive acceptance of a corporate identity for this constituency forced the party into an integrative role on two distinct but related fronts .
17 The government 's own team have recognised that morale in teaching is low and that the position this year is significantly worse than last , yet the government have for this year ignored the findings of that particular report and it 's all tied up with the whole issue of pay , workload etc ..
18 The lack of a contingency plan for this eventuality left the all-important Army of Africa , together with its commanders , General Franco and Colonel Yagüe ( who , under Franco 's orders , had been in charge of the Legion during the repression of the Asturian revolutionary movement in 1934 ) , stranded on the far side of the Straits of Gibraltar .
19 The method used for this test followed the recommendations of a recent working team report .
20 For this design knit the single teddy starting on the seventh stitch to avoid knitting part of the balloon .
21 If the accounts of British politics between 1832 and 1867 pointed to the sovereignty of Parliament , then the accounts that came to the fore after that period made the additional point that the sovereignty of the people was behind this and was now of the constitutional and political essence .
22 Only after some time did the cameras finally establish that the belly had a head belonging to Nicholas Soames , the Industry Secretary 's PPS .
23 Article 8 of each Convention had the same text , which survives with only minor drafting changes , in the text of the most recent Hague Convention on the topic , that on the Taking of Evidence Abroad of 1970 .
24 The leader of each group collected the food and was responsible for distributing it among his ‘ team ’ .
25 14 members of each section attended the first night .
26 Six and seven of that Act increased the limits for unfair dismissal from twenty six weeks to two years .
27 Part of that collusion took the form of a reaction against ‘ psycho-analysts like Freud , lest they awaken people to the realisation that the focus of power might be within one 's self rather than ‘ up there ’ .
28 This concept , brilliantly and amusingly elucidated in book of that name published the previous year by Professor C. Northcote Parkinson , stated : ‘ Work expands to fill the time available for its completion . ’
29 In fact , higher inflation in the early years of that government prevented the ratio falling .
30 The economic recession and the sharp rise in unemployment of that year forced the Conservative government to change its policies before they had got off the ground .
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