Example sentences of "[prep] [coord] [v-ing] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Once it has occurred , the analyst connects the feature in question with his impression of or feeling for the whole work , and may be led to modify this as a result .
2 On his ‘ Big Red Train Ride ’ in 1977 , Eric Newby found these class approaches to the catching of and waiting for the trains , which have been such a characteristic of colonial societies in India and Africa , still very much the norm in the communist countries .
3 He further asserts that during the nineteenth century litigants did not understand the way courts worked and were in awe of their proceedings , and that the intermediaries between litigants and justice , lawyers , court officials and petition-drawers , had little sympathy with or understanding for the average Sri Lankan .
4 Yesterday Mrs McIntyre said she had received a letter saying the matter was being looked into and apologising for the distress caused to Mrs Morrison .
5 2.17 " surveyor " means any person or firm appointed by or acting for the Landlord ( including an employee of the Landlord or a Group Company and including also the person or firm appointed by the Landlord to collect the rents ) to perform any of the functions of the Surveyor under this Lease
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