Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] be [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 An enquiry has been ordered into the Bulgarian international 's background after Ipswich were told he had played 12 games for his country .
2 It could be that Navigation Mixte is teaming up to buy Paribas or that friendly defenders of Paribas such as Axa-Midi are strengthening their holdings .
3 After a string of scandals involving the younger royals , many believe the House of Windsor is facing its biggest crisis since Edward VIII 's abdication in 1936 .
4 He could n't tell a woman like Maggie Byrne that thoughts of Sarah were blighting his relationship with his wife , and turning him to celibacy .
5 On the radio the Voice of Moscow was retelling their fifty per cent of the story of the Vietnam war , and every half-hour or so large green helicopters flew overhead as they did every day .
6 Now the GA aerodrome is no more , the ATZ has vanished from the charts , and the good citizens of Grimbergen are finding they have exchanged the gentle putter of Lycomings and Continentals for the full-throated roar of northbound RR- , GE- and P & W-powered 747s and Airbuses as they thunder over their rooftops after take-off from Brussels ' Runway 25R .
7 Here the Bey of Tunis was building himself a superb mausoleum .
8 ‘ What the campaign is seeking is a Meirionnydd-based authority , and all the evidence indicates that the people of Meirionnydd are backing us strongly . ’
9 Meanwhile , both sides were bringing up more and more artillery pieces and vast numbers of shells to feed them : the pattern of Verdun was repeating itself .
10 I would think that your rubbishy version of WordPerfect is thinking it 's an H P Laserjet .
11 If you go for a ten year fix , Bank of Scotland are doing it at about eight point nine nine .
12 THE Bank of Scotland is to update its ‘ hole in the wall ’ cash dispensers to make them faster and safer .
13 As you will have heard perhaps on the radio or TV the Royal Bank of Scotland is to reduce its staff by 3,500 over about three years , mostly by natural wastage .
14 The Royal Bank of Scotland is suing him in the High Court to recover the money , which includes a £500,000 overdraft .
15 If the bonnie banks of Scotland were to open their accounts to the world , there would be a run on the pound and some of the country 's most famous clubs would collapse with embarrassment .
16 S. S. The only bit of crowd trouble we had was the Catholics on the north side of the division and the Orangemen on the south side ; when the 12th of July was approaching there used to be a bit of trouble .
17 The central concern of Formen is to understand what social relations and institutions can be like when they are not moulded by capitalism .
18 While Lebanon 's Christians were demanding more territory , Protestants in the north of Ireland were safeguarding their future statelet within the United Kingdom by accepting less than they might have claimed .
19 At this momentous hour His Excellency the Governor of Burma is to dedicate himself to Almighty God for the task with which he has been entrusted .
20 It is said that the men of Israel are to prepare themselves for three days for this awesome disclosure of God by not going near a woman ( Exod.
21 The University of Bradford is developing its system to disseminate information of an orientational nature to the new library user .
22 Honesty indeed was in short supply in the lawless days when the great families of Pelynt were establishing themselves .
23 The purpose of RE is to help them genuinely to reflect upon religion , opening up for them the possibility of a self-chosen and real commitment , religious or otherwise , so that the individual can freely play his or her role in the wider community , whether this be the faith community or society as a whole .
24 At the time of writing , some of us are wondering whether the call of God is to plant our next church in a local pub .
25 The Spirit of God was beckoning us forward , and we had to obey . ’
26 Bell Atlantic Corp 's Bell Telephone Co of Pennsylvania is restructuring its debt to reduce its interest charges : it is calling for redemption all its outstanding 8.75% debentures due July 15 2015 and will pay 104.24% of principal plus accrued interest , and has offered $150m of 6.875% debentures due March 15 2003 at $98.90% to yield 6.275% .
27 One part of Joe was telling him he had already gone off his head , but another section kept repeating , ‘ It 'll soon be over and then you can tell her .
28 A FIRST priority for anyone considering buying a house in Cornwall and some areas of neighbouring Devon including the more remoter regions of Dartmoor is to have it tested for radon gas .
29 The boy or girl was not ‘ a blank piece of paper on which the teacher should write ’ , and it was in this liberal spirit that he condemned drill : ‘ Military drill fashions him to an approved standard as part of the machine ; whereas the aim of Scouting is to develop his personal character and initiative . ’
30 PRINCESS Caroline of Monaco is sending her children to local state schools .
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