Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [num] [unc] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Duncan , the son presented to the English king as hostage some twenty years earlier , now appealed for William II 's help in return for a promise of fealty .
2 Spicer 's tiles and fittings are made by hand from clay , according to methods first used by craftsmen during Richard III 's reign .
3 The fall in population did not , however , mean a general decline in economic activity ; rising wages may have served to increase consumption and give some stimulus to production , and it is worth noting that even the magnate class , which was more likely to suffer from the changed balance of power between land and labour through declining rent rolls and higher payments of wages was still able to invest considerable sums in new building during Richard II 's reign .
4 Urban economic and political development suffered severely from the social and demographic upheaval set in train during Ivan IV 's reign .
5 But many districts which had secured their freedom from the Forest law during Edward II 's reign were once more made subject to it .
6 English politics throughout the fourteenth century and especially during Edward II 's reign were crucially influenced by Scotland .
7 Whereas in Exeter cathedral , where endowments were modest and equally divided among the chapter members , only a quarter of the twenty-four canons were nonresident during Edward II 's reign , in the cathedrals of York , Lincoln , Wells , Salisbury and Lichfield between two thirds and three quarters of the canons were occupied elsewhere .
8 In 1333 he rallied the men of the Cinque ports to defend the country during Edward III 's absence in Scotland and through the early stages of the Hundred Years ' War was inevitably caught up in coastal defence .
9 Further works at Westminster Palace were entrusted to him in April 1346 , and included the final stages of St Stephen 's chapel , and he was to impress masons and carpenters for Edward III 's expedition against France .
10 By the time Shaw preached his sermon , informed opinion recognized Gloucester 's accession as inevitable , and this helps to explain the apparent lack of interest with which the most nearly contemporary chroniclers treat the grounds for Edward V 's deposition .
11 By the time Shaw preached his sermon , informed opinion recognized Gloucester 's accession as inevitable , and this helps to explain the apparent lack of interest with which the most nearly contemporary chroniclers treat the grounds for Edward V 's deposition .
12 After William III 's death in 1702 and Anne 's succession Sophia became the immediate heir to the throne .
13 It was perhaps their awareness of this , rather than their arrogance , which led them to emphasize the relationship so strongly after Edward IV 's death .
14 It was perhaps their awareness of this , rather than their arrogance , which led them to emphasize the relationship so strongly after Edward IV 's death .
15 His uncle , the Duke of Albany , was content to act as Regent after Robert III 's death without making too strenuous an effort to liberate the rightful king .
16 Crucial evidence on Gerard 's conduct after Pippin I 's death is supplied by a letter of Lupus of Ferrières written in July 840 : Gerard , it says , " the former prince and favourite ( princeps et carus ) of Pippin [ I ] " was now one of Charles 's right-hand men in Aquitaine .
17 After James II 's death , and during the reign of Anne , Jacobites usually claimed that James Francis Stuart was the rightful heir to the throne , who should succeed his sister : it was not until after the Hanoverian succession that we find him being hailed as James III .
18 Those who fought for political control after James V 's death , therefore , were fighting for far more than personal position .
19 It could be conveniently set aside in the changed circumstances after James V 's death , when the real issue became clear .
20 Despite her exclusion from formal power after James V 's death , sheer personality had made her a force in political life in the 1540s .
21 After Henry VIII 's break with Rome , England 's tenuous links with Renaissance Italy were broken and the English Renaissance was postponed .
22 After Henry VIII 's death and the accession of the nine-year-old Edward VI his subjects hoped for some relaxation of the Forest law .
23 From an average of 2,000–3,000 exiles a year during Alexander I 's reign , by the middle of the century as many as 17 , 18 , or even 19,000 exiles were being annually transported to settle in Siberia — not even counting those sentenced to katorga .
24 Smith was on course to cross ahead of Steinlager 2 's track , the 84 foot ketch which won the first leg having slowed noticeably in the past two days .
25 He supervised the transport and erection of a pair of colossal statues of the king of Karnak and of the two colossal statues , known as the Colossi of Memnon , which were placed at the entrance of Amenophis III 's mortuary temple in western Thebes .
26 Chapter 3 of the Constitution on the Church , spelling out the doctrine of collegiality , was theologically and dogmatically at the very heart of Vatican II 's debate and contribution to Catholic self-understanding .
27 Thus many of the elements of the familiar Victorian pub were already in place at the time of William IV 's death in 1837 .
28 During the minority of Roger-Bernard III 's grandson , Gaston II ( 1315–23 ) , custody of the comté of Foix was granted to Bernard Jourdain de L'Isle until the count reached the age of fourteen .
29 It is possible for you to gain the former ( knowledge of Napoleon III 's rule , for instance ) and not the latter ( appreciating the various factors in his rise to power , the expansionist nature of his economic policy and the paternalism of his social policy , etc .
30 The unexpected death of his elder brother in 1831 , followed by the death in Vienna in 1832 of Napoleon I 's son , known since 1815 as the Duke de Reichstadt , changed dramatically the position of Louis-Napoleon in the Bonaparte family .
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