Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] so [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 You can concentrate on two things for only so long as changing positions to help the photographer and holding the adult shearwater proved .
2 The essence of what Mr Hussain said was that following the marriage he would remain in England on a settled basis as a married man for just so long as his wife dictated .
3 Not necessarily , since both teachers and researchers will ultimately use readability formulae for just so long as they find them of some value .
4 Why not go along with Luke 's expansive mood for just so long as it took to finish her drink ?
5 During the last war intelligence experts came to rely upon Ultra so heavily that if Ultra intercepts told them nothing they automatically assumed the Germans were doing nothing .
6 What is so odd , though , is that Lewis was tempted to argue the faith , to analyse and defend it in a manner at once so roughshod and so cerebral when it had come to him by quite other means .
7 Because Burma is not a rich country the potential for racketeering is limited , and shrugged off , For those Burmese who want one foot in the material world , at least so far as the occasional bottle of Scotch is concerned , the black market exists .
8 The Secretary of State has in mind using the Records of Achievement as the repository of pupil achievements in the tests and assessments at age 7 , 11 , 14 and 16 — at least so far as the sole mandatory requirements are concerned .
9 He replied that on the facts as stated it did not appear , at least so far as the testator 's words were concerned , that it was entrusted to Pamphilus that he should make over a hundred .
10 At least so far as chess is concerned , working on the level of ideas , instead of specific calculations , seems to let a tremendous amount of imprecision into one 's thinking .
11 It was a sign that Ceauşescu intended to go much further than Dej in rehabilitating the Romanian past and distancing the Communist regime from the original Soviet model , at least so far as public presentation went .
12 It is in Darién , however — at least so far as Panama 's administrators are concerned .
13 Speaking at a conference on the ‘ Future of the Irish Country House ’ ( 26 February ) , the Prime Minister of Ireland , Albert Reynolds made a statement of profound importance about how Ireland has come to terms with its Anglo-Irish past , at least so far as its architecture is concerned .
14 But he is not directly accessible in any ordinary sense , nor can the necessity of the concept of God for the interpreting of our experience be demonstrated , at least so far as pure reflection on the nature of our knowledge can take us .
15 Still , to some extent , every modern economy , at least so far as ownership of some means of production or municipal enterprises or financial institutions are concerned , is a mixed economy .
16 To the outsider , psychoanalysis appears a pretty broad church , at least so far as dream interpretation is concerned .
17 They made up the double bed in William and Kate 's room , which was the best room in the house , overlooking the back garden and mercifully free from images of death , destruction and eternal torment , which presumably meant that William had been kept out of it , at least so far as the decor was concerned .
18 Equally , however , the substantial de facto mobility out of the manual working class has not dissolved its traditional collectivist propensities , at least so far as trade unionism is concerned .
19 From the fairly casual manner of Nicholls ' wording and his failure to mention what he had recommended , we may take it that , at least so far as he was concerned , the problem of the status of emigres holding non-Soviet passports had not at this stage been presented as of overwhelming importance or urgency .
20 The meeting , however , failed to produce a satisfactory outcome ( at least so far as Harold Wilson was concerned ) , and I wrote a letter to the BBC demanding an apology in some ensuing programme .
21 There are basically three types , at least so far as desktop publishers are concerned ; Bit maps , photographs and object oriented graphics .
22 Questions about the products suitability for use with forthcoming Apple products are met with a degree of silence reminiscent of a Trappist monk but the general assurance is that the product is ‘ future proof ’ , at least so far as Apple is concerned .
23 After two solid years of operation we would n't change the system , at least so far as newsletter production is concerned .
24 At the moment it is still a new and unproven product but it could well represent the next generation of TechDoc software , at least so far as the corporate publisher is concerned .
25 The distinction works only in part , at least so far as social work is concerned , but it allows the author to develop and use as a thread through the discussion , the historically gendered nature of the division between the so-called caring professions and professions such as medicine , law , and architecture .
26 It was easy , however , to discount this evidence at a time when opinion polls were in their infancy , at least so far as credibility was concerned , and when it was universally thought that support would return to Churchill as soon as his formidable oratorical skills were thrown in on one side of the party contest .
27 And yet erm what er what seems to have be going against that is that erm at least so far as is concerned , the proof is any theorem is a unique pathway .
28 Soil-nutrients have been found to be at similar levels as under mature forest , at least so far as phosphorus , organic carbon and nitrogen are concerned , though the pH and cation concentrations are higher .
29 university this term , at least so far as the community is concerned , is our Open Day on Saturday June the fourteenth .
30 Tolerance of strangers may be morally right however threatened one feels , at least so long as the strangers respect the laws and customs of the country they have settled in .
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