Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] going [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 So instead of automatically going to the timber yard and buying new timber , how about looking around at potential sources of second-hand timber and giving the poor old environment a helping hand ?
2 But he had felt that he was still the same Mark Underwood , drearily going through the motions of belief instead of drearily going through the motions of disbelief ; that the searing , galvanic experience men called conversion was like an unexploded bomb ticking away inside him .
3 It seems yonks since leeds were last on TV , the pleasure of going down the pub and getting tanked whilst being generally rowdy and watching the footy is a joy to behold , second only to actually going to the game itself … not long to go now …
4 We 've continued to keep a very hard view of the corn exchange and a number of other bodies which we fund , but we 're going to see what actually happens , we 're not going to make blind predictions about savings without actually going into the facts .
5 CALL ME old , call me antiquated , but I remember a time when The Railway Children were , if not quite press darlings , then at least going on the occasional date with the media .
6 Seven months on , how I wish I could say that the Escort/Orion range is at least going in the right direction .
7 On the other hand , the sum may be out by several thousands without the mistake being detectable except by laboriously going over the addition step by step .
8 It was a simple code whereby his friends were able to determine his presence without attracting attention to themselves by actually going into the shop .
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