Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] more [noun sg] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 We stayed at John Bannon 's Hotel in Manali Orchards for rather more time than we had intended .
2 In the visual arts , for example , I believe that the work of Barnet Newman is of immeasurably more value than that of Andy Warhol .
3 This is of even more moment if , instead of acts of real violence , displays of weapons or aborted action-sequences are produced within a ritual framework .
4 In a multinational empire such as that of the tsars , the divisions between Great Russians , Ukrainians , White Russians , Poles , Georgians , Armenians , Jews and the hundred other national minorities may at different times be of infinitely more significance than the divisions between classes .
5 Some would take up for ever more space than they were entitled to — like my mother 's wedding dress , shrouded in sheet linen , suspended in time , uncrushed by the other more workaday but less significant garments that crowded together as though they were cold , waiting in a queue , inmates of a zenana to be taken up or not at the Pasha 's pleasure , promiscuously gathered , at the mercy of their owner .
6 The Conservatives , Winston Churchill predicted , with rather more prescience than Asquith , would not ‘ act as bottle holders to those who kicked us into the street three months ago and deliberately erected this Socialist monstrosity ’ .
7 Straightening the accumulation of paperwork on her desk with rather more success than she was managing to straighten her face , Alex remarked , ‘ Well , at least he owes you one . ’
8 Guinness tried his hand at the new Porter with rather more success than his fellow Dublin brewers .
9 Preston took the tube to Polly 's , an experience which the twins anticipated with rather more enthusiasm than he .
10 The overall expectation was that the Conservatives would win and in the event they did so with rather more comfort than the polls had tended to suggest .
11 They must therefore be approached with some apprehension and with rather more care than normal .
12 And , on the other side , one outcome of the Truce of Orléans was that Charles took the abbacy of Ferrières away from Odo and gave it to a member of the community whose chief recommendation ( with still more pull than his fine scholarship ) was a readiness to commit himself to Charles .
13 Murray was flattered to the depths of his heart by the affection of this special creature ; he was an uncomplicated youth of shallow emotions who did not appreciate that Richard was investing their relationship with far more significance than he was .
14 The Committee 's recommendations on prostitution were acted upon with far more haste than those concerning homosexual conduct .
15 Then , equally important , George Bush must sell that deal to Congress with far more enthusiasm than his officials have lately shown for the multilateral approach to trade reform .
16 With far more reason than Harold Wilson in 1964 , she could claim to be running ( mutatis mutandis ) a Bolshevik revolution with a Tsarist Cabinet .
17 ‘ Of course , ’ she replied with far more confidence than she actually felt .
18 ‘ It is my view they need an era of increased certainty which can now be built on the foundation of recent reform decisions and on which they can , with far more confidence than has been the case in the past , base and plan their futures . ’
19 The graphics facilities allow the teacher to develop pictures with far more control than the blackboard or even the overhead projector normally provides .
20 The Clwydian Hills , rising to the south and cloaked in cloud , looked wonderfully alluring : so I threw myself into the long climb with far more vigour than I might have done normally .
21 On Sundays , she did her hair with far more care than usual , arranging it in smooth red coils and loops , and , with her uncustomary neatness and her grand necklace and her look of youth , she acquired a startling , hare-like , fleeting beauty , pared to the bone ; a weird beauty that lasted until bedtime , when she took the necklace off and put it away again .
22 Bishop Burnet I gave up with even more regret than the ‘ place . ’
23 I conclude now , with even more emphasis than before , that the over-valuation of sterling , superimposed on very deeply entrenched adverse long-term trends in overseas trade , will ensure that our foreign trade performance will not warrant a growth rate of more than 1–2 per cent at the very most during the next five years .
24 Clearly Section IV has to be interpreted with even more caution than other sections of this questionnaire .
25 Later , when I felt that he could do with even more experience than he hid got at Warboys , I sent him up to RAF Grantham which at that time was training navigators .
26 Hanging her coat on the back of the door in her office , she observed the utilitarian nature of her surroundings with even more dissatisfaction than usual .
27 Deserted wives were regarded with even more suspicion than widows , and in their case the circular advised that outdoor relief should be denied for twelve months , to ensure that they were not colluding with their husbands to defraud the authorities .
28 He quickly noticed that , although he had been convinced that he was putting his head forward , he was in fact pulling his head back with even more tension than before .
29 Germans were billeted here , but they seem to have treated the place with considerably more decency than they did the people . ’
30 She too was staring at the endless duel , but with considerably more excitement than her replica .
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