Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] the same [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He also liked the occasional drink , for much the same reasons .
2 And ethnicity turns into separatist nationalism for much the same reasons as colonial liberation movements establish their states within the frontiers of the preceding colonial empires .
3 We may have moved on from the steel nib and the blackboard , but are we not educating our children for much the same reasons as we were 50 years ago ?
4 The change involved no religious problems because the larger colony had been launched for much the same reasons : a number of Puritans , of whom the largest single group came from East Anglia , had formed the Massachusetts Bay Company and obtained a charter to settle there in a firm determination to cut themselves off from England and the elements of Roman Catholicism they detected in the Church of England .
5 More recently , and for much the same reasons , Stelux , from Hong Kong , bought the Bulova Watch Company in the USA .
6 For much the same reasons we are quite satisfied that there is nothing in the Act which affects in any way the processes by which decisions as to suspension and disbarment , and so on are to be taken and promulgated through the machinery created by the Inns in 1986 with the concurrence of the judges , subject always to the visitorial jurisdiction of the judges .
7 Britain therefore experienced a credit squeeze in the early 1990s during a period of recession in much the same way — and for much the same reasons — that she experienced a credit boom during the period of growth and ‘ overheating ’ in the mid-1980s .
8 Denmark joined the EEC for much the same reasons as the British did : she wished to ensure that she was not excluded from a large ‘ home ’ market , particularly for her agricultural products .
9 She liked Matilda for exactly the same reasons .
10 The wording of the EPC , however , is difficult to apply to morality issues surrounding genetically engineered organisms for exactly the same reasons that difficulties arise over ‘ essentially biological processes ’ — the drafters of the convention did not envisage patenting of plants and animals .
11 However they put aside their competitiveness ( the Caledonian and Balmoral in Edinburgh , for example , are fighting for exactly the same guests ) because they know that it is only by working together , as one body , that they will attract visitors to Scotland in the first place .
12 The two sets of genes can be expected to ‘ pull together ’ for just the same reasons as all the genes of one individual organism normally pull together .
13 That women writers all suffered the same disadvantages , entertained approximately the same ambitions , and approached their writing out of basically the same experiences is manifestly untrue .
14 ‘ No , ’ she interrupted , ‘ but you seem to be accusing me of exactly the same things I accused you of — or at least had to ask about .
15 It had been the great achievement of the geologists to explain how , given enough time , the operation of exactly the same forces visible today could explain the enormous variety of what could be observed on the inanimate earth , past and present .
16 The defendant had been convicted under two different statutes of two offences which both arose out of essentially the same facts .
17 Exactly the same battlelines , with exactly the same watchwords and against much the same enemies , now urgently need to be drawn up to save the traditional British pub .
18 It was engaging with much the same processes as those later explored by Goffman , Harré and those working from a symbolic interactionist position .
19 At one time she had found appalling the comforting observation that people are similar , with much the same fears and fantasies .
20 The so-called applied sciences , such as engineering , agriculture and medicine , are concerned with much the same objects , but from a different stance : they are largely concerned with ‘ doing ’ , although again this does not necessarily preclude ‘ theorizing ’ or ‘ philosophizing ’ .
21 And in the faculty he was surrounded by several men of substance with much the same opinions though with less hardness in their advocacy .
22 CHAIRMAN Sir Peter Parker was doing his best , but the 1980s opened with much the same worries of insecurity over government policy , lack of investment , and working practices which harked back to the old company rules .
23 Apparently both the tomatoes in the peat and those in the coir had been grown under exactly the same conditions .
24 And , of course , cruise missiles deployed in Britain will be here under exactly the same arrangements that have applied to American forces already based in the UK .
25 But when applied to the two-particle situation we are considering here , the de Broglie-Bohm formulation leads to a non-local action at a distance with exactly the same properties that Einstein and Schrödinger intuitively felt to be implied by quantum mechanics .
26 How awfully dull it would be if all our teachers approached a class in exactly the same way , with exactly the same movements , all executed at the same pace and with expectations of the same rigid standard of achievement .
27 And finally we have the Lowden ‘ LSE ’ or ‘ stage edition ’ series , with exactly the same dimensions as the ‘ F ’ series save for one thing — they 're considerably shallower , being 80mm deep instead of 120mm .
28 Exactly the same battlelines , with exactly the same watchwords and against much the same enemies , now urgently need to be drawn up to save the traditional British pub .
29 We will meet with exactly the same words in the Hebrew again in 1 Samuel 4.5 , when the ark is brought into the Israelite camp and , the storyteller reports , ‘ all Israel gave a mighty shout ’ ( it is a pity that variations in the English translations of the verses obscure the echoes in the original ) .
30 Their behaviour patterns can also be extremely individual , so that two autistic children with exactly the same characteristics may react differently to exactly the same situation .
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