Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Aware that she had been staring at him for rather a long time , she blinked and asked hastily , ‘ Did you sort out your business ? ’
2 Frankly , I 'd respond more if a chap came up to me and said , ‘ Look here , we 've been doing this for rather a long time now and we find that this way seems to bring the best results . ’ ’
3 Each such coherent structure is identifiable for only a limited time .
4 Sadly , Mr Cod was destined to be with them for only a short time .
5 I might have saved myself the trouble , as the family remained together for only a short time afterwards ; my sisters married , leaving only my mother and myself at home …
6 Lonsdale 's history of women poets through the century allows them to be understood against developments in the poetry written by men whose dominance of fashion was challenged for only a short time toward the end of the period .
7 The problems result from long-term exposure , so families who change homes every few years may not suffer because they are exposed to levels above the action level for only a short time .
8 Why does the snow settle for only a short time on the north west coast ?
9 When their mother died in 1778 she was sent away to Halifax , to stay with her mother 's cousin , Miss Elizabeth Threlkeld , for nine years ; she then lived at Penrith with her grand-parents , seeing William for only a short time , and from 1789 to 1794 was away from the Lake District again , in the care of her uncle and aunt at Forncett in Norfolk .
10 Of course , we were here for only a short time and what time we had we spent with Debbie .
11 A spokesman for a major insurance company commented , ‘ If they were there for only a short time , we could arrange cover , probably without charge . ’
12 But these devices allow it to remain out of water for only a short time .
13 Full employment , competition between employers for labour and high levels of labour turnover might mean that many people are working for only a short time in any particular job .
14 Sachs therefore concluded that the syntax of sentences is held for only a short time , after which only their meaning is retained .
15 At high stepping rates each phase is excited for only a short time interval and the build.up time of the phase current is a significant proportion of the excitation interval .
16 I slept for only a short time each night , and I did not eat much food .
17 This adds a bit of fun to the proceedings , but the same questions crop up repetitively , so its quite easy to cheat by remembering the answers after playing for only a short time .
18 For only a short time .
19 I have been in the House for only a short time , but since I have been here I have been involved in a number of private Bills .
20 This has been attempted with some success using the gene for human factor IX , though synthesis continues for only a short time , and immune response in the mouse receipients proved a problem .
21 In both cases the behaviour is not completely predictable , but observation for only a short time makes it so for all subsequent times . )
22 The images lingered for only a brief time before changing , the Retreat demolished in the storm of stones and a new structure raised in the whirl : the Tower of the Tabula Rasa .
23 Further analysis showed no differences in results between schools in which the projects were taught for only the minimum time compared with those that taught it for longer .
24 Incidentally , I trust that the fretwire used is up to scratch ; I 've recently seen a few Korean guitars with very soft fretwire which would probably need a re-fret after only a short time .
25 After only a brief time in this balmy atmosphere , Constance knew that she must stay .
26 But since she 'd considered herself relatively fit , she was disconcerted when her muscles began aching after just a short time .
27 Although no one will doubt their possibilities for elegance and robustness , sitting on a solid wood seat can test the limits of comfort after quite a short time and woven seats are little better .
28 For just a short time I had become a part of the village community on a day that ‘ introduces everybody to everybody else ’ .
29 Very often one individual with only a small time commitment can carry out the initial investigation and appraisal aspects of a project , but once the scheme is under way the resource level may have to be increased in order to cater for the client 's time-scale .
30 As we saw in the case of the bacteria on a pin 's head , successive splittings into two can generate a very large number of cells in rather a short time .
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