Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [adv] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 They slept then , tucked up around one another , waking several times during the night , but rarely for long enough to do more than acknowledge the other 's presence .
2 The fact that the " adornment " theory was entertained for so long deserves some explanation and its appropriateness can not be altogether dismissed in the case of " artificial " styles cultivated by such Renaissance mannerists as Sidney and Lyly .
3 That he satisfied so impatient and fastidious a monarch for so long says much for his efficiency and sensitivity .
4 After Trafalgar , Admiralty instructions to the commanders of British men-of-war no longer ordered them to demand a salute from foreign naval vessels in the waters where Britain had for so long claimed such a right .
5 But decisions about exactly when to use each type of punctuation vary from writer to writer .
6 Concentration upon the working out of this formula had the effect of almost wholly avoiding any serious consideration of the central issue .
7 And and you mentioned GP 's , I mean , this is one way of almost perhaps forcing some GP 's to become er erm a fund holders , because then they can go an an an and buy their er er patient care from wherever they the they want to !
8 I 'd of never never got that hose out without it would I , now ?
9 It is for those of us who remember and rejoice in Deputy Dawg cartoons , the horrors of actually still having that Curved Air album , of ever attending a gig by Ten Years After or Where Eagles Dare starring which castle ?
10 The sound throughout more closely resembles that of a small hall than a church .
11 Fabia cut in only then comprehending that to get home by next Wednesday she would have to leave Mariánské Láznë at the latest by Tuesday — always supposing she had her car back , which was doubtful .
12 Piotr brings the succinct set to an encore-free close by introducing ‘ Sistine Chapel Ceiling ’ : ‘ This is the last song you 'll ever hear from us , it 's called ‘ Derek ’ , ’ he mutters , before once more riding that line between raging noise and delectable tunes .
13 From now on applying any more brake really can spell disaster , for the normal mortal at least , because much of the weight is still thrown on to the front tyre and grip is scarce .
14 He continued to work until a few years ago and from then on passed much of his time in London .
15 We had been careful until then not to think that way .
16 Christians who are perfect in righteousness , in peace and in joy are in very short supply this side of eternity .
17 This perception continues to prevail , hence , while the bill of lading continues to be the subject of considerable national and international regulation , the charter party has until very recently attracted little regulatory attention .
18 But the term that has caught on most widely to describe such zealots is ‘ hacker ’ and what they do , constantly , is known as ‘ hacking ’ .
19 DOWN in Nashville , its capital , the 1990s boom in American country music has gone on long enough to prompt some heady forecasts .
20 Erm anyhow , this evening , I 'm proposing to just merely cover this particular area , particularly .
21 In the community care reforms the purchaser/provider split is understood as both a macro-budgetary strategy in which both health and social service are divided into purchasing and providing organizations , so that the latter can be more open to competition in the health and welfare ‘ market ’ , and a micro-budgetary mechanism for decentralizing resources into the hands of front-line workers and managers in order to more effectively target these resources on those identified as most in need by the care management assessment .
22 And extra investment in industry will be directed to still further improving that productivity and minimising the need for manpower .
23 Although three authorities objected to even hypothetically assuming that sufficient resources ( which they defined as money ) would be available , the extent to which respondents mentioned insufficient staff to cover staff absent from normal duties whilst attending off-the-job training ( rather than lack of any other resource ) , was striking .
24 Well on the issue of what 's happening in the er Health Authority here , it 's a very much erm a surprise to everybody because those of us who were at the last meeting that we had , only a couple of months ago , to quite categorically saying that , she , that she was just not interested in the .
25 Eventually when all of the information is gathered in , we 're asking you to quite simply reject this .
26 This is the kind of thing that we really ought to be addressing because this actually addresses the safety of people in this county , not only the safety of people , this addresses the safety of property as well and there 's no disagreement about the fact that this enormous development that 's happened over the last few years in an area where you 've got a regular traffic snarl-ups mean that you have got a potential disaster there on your hands and we 're jolly lucky we have n't any more serious incidents than we 've had already and so I can see no reason why these two mo these two amendments should n't both happily be accepted though I 'm very cynical about the number of times we 've spent the airport money already and sooner or later we 've obviously got to actually seriously address that but the important thing is that we do all take it seriously and it seems that we all do now take it seriously .
27 No , we used to actually actually do that , like you had nights out , maybe Christmas and certain times of the year you had a night but that 's kind of stopped here .
28 To be cared for almost inevitably involves some diminution of independence .
29 Although the names looked at so far dip more than a toe into this price region , we feel like trying a different brand .
30 A few imaginative local authorities such as Glasgow and Birmingham are expanding their arts activities , but most are cutting back , or at least not replacing those who leave .
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