Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] from " in BNC.

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1 ( You might also try last year 's ‘ She who weeps ’ [ JMT ] ; the beautiful song New African Blues certainly received a deal of wholly warranted airplay from London jazz station Jazz FM and many people have asked me where it came from .
2 A team from the government 's Indian agency , Funai , has been accused of illegally removing timber from the area .
3 The lack of clearly defined benefit from selective decontamination of the gut in a heterogeneous population of patients led to a European consensus conference on the topic .
4 Japanese institutions , once the biggest consumers of privately placed paper from Europe , have bought much less since the Tokyo stockmarket crashed last year .
5 Those , he said , would help provide ‘ a wedge of steadily rising revenue from 1994 ’ to help cover the deterioration in the Public Sector Borrowing Requirement .
6 The Mnchener is suing Atlantic Richfield for nearly $150m , alleging that the company knew that the products the unit was developing would never be commercially viable , and according to the Wall Street Journal citing electronic mail messages , one of which says that as it appears the development ‘ is a pipe dream , let Siemens have the pipe , ’ and another that says ‘ We will attempt to finesse past Siemens the fact that we have had a great deal of trouble in successfully transitioning technology from the laboratory to the factory ’ ; Atlantic Richfield denies attempting to mislead Siemens over the unit .
7 A. transverse cracking of incisor from tawny owl assemblage ( ×30 ) ; B. breakage and digestion of end of incisor from peregrine assemblage ( ×38 ) ; C. transverse breakage across the dentine and displaced breakage of the enamel of incisor from margay assemblage ( ×9 ) ; D. longitudinal splitting and partial separation of enamel from dentine of an incisor from common buzzard assemblage ( ×19 ) ; E. enlargement of same ( ×56 ) ; F. slight separation of enamel from dentine in incisor from tawny owl assemblage ( ×7 ) ; G. cracking of dentine in heavily digested incisor from hen harrier assemblage ( ×19 ) .
8 On Nov. 15 former Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams was put on probation for two years , ordered to devote up to 100 hours to community service and fined a token $50 for unlawfully witholding information from Congress in the Iran-contra scandal [ see p. 38521 ] .
9 Cleane Shampoo for chemically treated hair from the Trevor Sorbie range at Boots .
10 Extra supplies over and above what has been contracted from Algeria will be necessary over the next decade , partly due to increased demand and partly due to possibly reduced supply from the Netherlands , this contract running out in 1992 .
11 And I have to practically get permission from the Palace before I can go to the bloody bog in the morning because Her Maj is petrified I 'll put my foot in it again and encourage the republicans .
12 To answer the question whether TFIIA is essentially required or merely involved in potentiating transcription initiation on classical pol III promoters it will be necessary to selectively deplete TFIIA from these fractions by specific antibodies against hTFIIA , the generation of which must , however , await the future cloning and expression of the gene for human TFIIA .
13 ‘ I had not till now received word from the queen my mother . ’
14 Indignant over suggestions that the Prime Minister has replaced his Jaguar with a Rover , Nigel Lawson can at least draw comfort from the fact that he is a wanted man in the City .
15 All of us understand that the sun gives out ultraviolet rays and most traditional sunscreening products at least offer protection from those referred to as UVB , the rays that burn .
16 The following are all exercises in which you must look at phonetically transcribed material from different English accents , and decide on the best way to transcribe them phonemically .
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