Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [verb] [noun] on " in BNC.

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1 The Ugandan government had suspended five of its pilots for apparently carrying weapons on board a Ugandan-registered aircraft from Bophuthatswana to Zagreb , where they had been impounded by the Yugoslav authorities .
2 On the northern coalfield the rejection of badly filled corves on the grounds that they had been deliberately underfilled — " they will sometimes be so roguish as to set these big coals hollow at the Corfe bottom , and cover them with some small coals at the top of the Corves , and make it look like a full Corfe " — was a long-running grievance which led to a strike at one mine in 1751 .
3 This system currently runs in dBASE II and contains in excess of 3000 items of professionally assessed information on major hazards coded into some 24 separate fields .
4 Internal review will then be just a matter of mechanically scrutinizing numbers on a balance sheet , rather than engaging in a critical dialogue over the educational effectiveness of courses .
5 The pattern of these Hours entered deeply in various ways into the structure of deliberately composed meditations on the Passion and enabled them to imply a greater meaning than they explicitly formulate .
6 That 's kind of like buying Barbie on Gameboy .
7 The disc revolves at a constant speed , holds 54,000 frames per side , and offers about thirty minutes of straight playing time on each side .
8 After a long deliberation by the jury , Mr Dodd was cleared of wilfully avoiding tax on the considerable sums of money he had hidden , but had to pay large amounts of tax considered owing , as well as legal costs .
9 Modernism then can be defined as the absence of externally imposed order on aesthetic practices .
10 The Victorian Society , London , has issued the second in its series of attractively produced booklets on the theme of Care for Victorian Houses .
11 In this fashion the stoneage men of today throw light on those who have long disappeared from view .
12 And — most amazingly — even the seeds of the insectivorous pitcher plant — which traps its prey in pools of chemically laced water on leaves sporting a glissading escarpment of downward-pointing hairs and narcotic-laced nectar — even the tiny seeds of this plant trap prey by means of slime and poison , then digesting the surrounding mulch of decaying creatures as they germinate , forming into seedlings and plants .
13 His spare-time activities during these years resulted in various patents , including one from 1931 concerning the Baird TV system and one in 1933 for the variable density technique of optically recording sound on film .
14 Ferdinand , desperate to be accepted by the cognoscenti and to build up political influence , flaunted his lavishness by building a gigantic French château of bright yellow Bath stone With 222 rooms , and by planting hundreds of fully grown trees on the high bare hill on which it stood .
15 Dorothy Butler 's study of her granddaughter , Cushla and her books ( 1979 ) , is particularly valuable , since it chronicles the effects of lovingly chosen books on a heavily-handicapped little girl .
16 I got home to find Kenneth hunched over his desk engrossed in a pile of newly purchased books on the subject of lymphoma and a medical dictionary to help him understand the terminology .
17 These advances have been accorded full acceptance with ready abandonment of firmly held convictions on all those matters which are now covered by the sciences , and which were in their earlier interpretations considered unquestionably true .
18 In November 1642 Ford led a small force of hastily impressed locals on a rapid march to attack Lewes .
19 Doubt was cast on Cameron 's results partly by the lack of control data he offered , and , later , after his death , his reputation for scientific integrity was irretrievably damaged by the revelation that much of his experimental work had for a long time been secretly supported by the CIA , including some rather insidious studies of the effects of covertly administered LSD on the behaviour of unsuspecting people .
20 More often the impact of dogmatically held relativism on other people is to cause them to waver , feel uncertain and drift into what they feel they can be sure about — mostly in Western society a materialist attitude to life , or perhaps pursuing a lifestance which thinks it has avoided value judgements .
21 Indeed , one important function of research is to indicate what is not relevant , a particularly important contribution in view of commonly held views on matters such as the causes of delinquency-is it ‘ latch-key ’ children or television violence ? — and prevailing stereotypes about single parents and ethnic minorities .
22 during a period of seriously reduced visibility on that road .
23 Moreover , unearthing evidence of such inequality would not cause a pluralist to challenge the basis of his or her analytical approach in the same way that evidence of the influence of non-economically based groups on state decisions has generated much tortuous re-evaluation of basic theory among Marxist scholars .
24 Like the Flying Dutchman , condemned for ever to roam the world 's oceans , the right hon. Gentleman is condemned for ever to attend debates on guillotine motions in an attempt to expiate his past sins in that area .
25 The idea of unitary authorities structure plans , er I think could only be a disaster and the first option which is the most viable , could of course be a dissipation of democracy of the indirect democracy er because erm I think what you probably have is a number of officers , civil servants and a scattering of councillors er and really the the direct local involvement which we have now through directly elected councillors on , on planning committees and strategic planning committees would have .
26 As I mentioned above , the Chart parser has two other components in addition to the global data structure : a task queuing structure , the Agenda , and an algorithm for automatically extending interpretations on the Chart , the Fundamental Rule .
27 Liverpool have always admitted they need Europe to pay their way and when it went they were left with highly paid players on long-term contracts — and the books did n't balance .
28 That magnificent engineering achievement the Humber Bridge is further opening up the area , improving communications and eventually leading to an East Coast motorway , linking up with newly completed roads on the north bank .
29 Neil Young 's ‘ Hawks And Doves ’ album was as quirky as much of his mid-'80s stuff , and quite what the message of the sleeve — with hugely magnified star on the cover and equally immense stripes on the reverse — was meant to convey has never been satisfactorily explained .
30 Together with records for the current population these were searched for routinely recorded data on arterial pressure , smoking , body mass index ( weight ( kg ) divided by squared height ( m ) ) , oral contraceptive use , and either stated alcohol intake or social , haematological , or biochemical evidence of alcohol damage .
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