Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] from [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is time he responded and paid compensation to those farmers , and allowed them to get on with earning their livelihood , instead of telling them that there is nothing for them from the Ministry of Agriculture .
2 However , since Brezhnev 's proposals for the Gulf were linked to the broader issue of the Indian Ocean ‘ zone of peace ’ Soviet officials still made an effort to gain support for them from the Indian Ocean Third World states and the non-aligned nations in general .
3 No , there 's no problem , I 'm just like , saying that , they sound really thick , they 're rubbish at being in a band , and it 's just all so down-hill for them from the beginning , really , they did n't really have a chance , did they .
4 The reappearance , first and most immediately , of Eanfrith and subsequently of Oswald in Bernician territory at so crucial a moment in the history of the northern Angles could imply military assistance for them from the Picts or the Scots or both and even perhaps a certain ability to act in concert with the British king , Cadwallon .
5 For those theses which were read , and were subsequently not cited , Kochen 's fourth alternative contains some of the possible reasons for non-citation , but there may be others , and it is not possible to choose between them from the evidence currently available .
6 The chemistry had been between them from the start , waiting only for a wayward spark to ignite it .
7 My agent had borrowed it for me from a cousin who had gone to New York for six months .
8 My first bike was a Hercules , which Grandma got for me from a niece of hers .
9 Is there a message for me from a garage ? ’ she changed her mind to rephrase it pleasantly to the man whom she 'd seen many times before and who , from his broad welcoming smile , she knew had remembered her .
10 ‘ They were on the look-out for a female DJ so everyone was very up for me from the word go .
11 Warhol was utterly and completely worthless for me from the word go , something in the history of fashion perhaps but nothing to do with art whatsoever .
12 What I 'd really like , of course , is not to have to bother with lugging kilo bags of sugar and tins of weedkiller back from the town to stuff into electrical-conduit piping which Jamie the dwarf gets for me from the building contractor 's where he works in Porteneil .
13 He said he had a message for me from the Duke of Strelsau .
14 ‘ Something about this entire operation never rang true for me from the start .
15 So unless er anyone has any direct questions for me from the meeting erm
16 But Sally was so good , Luckily I 'd remembered to pack the Farley 's Rusks and she had those mixed up with boiled water the guard got for me from the restaurant car . ’
17 The researchers meet the guests first , and generally look after them from the time they arrive to the time they leave .
18 Those of the 26th Regiment who had fled south inflicted heavy casualties on a force hastening towards them from the direction of Telnitz .
19 Christina saw her husband gradually relax and begin to enjoy himself , tapping his foot to the strains of a calypso floating towards them from the dance-floor on the piazza outside .
20 Looking down below them from the top , they saw that a small crater with the remains of a dried-up lake in it was emitting sulphurous vapours from several points .
21 ‘ As I came to a junction , a car pulled out in front of me from a road on the left .
22 This separation of me from the rest has led psychologists to develop a concept called ‘ the self ’ .
23 A faint wisp of smoke rose ahead of me from the town dump .
24 There were cut locks of hair , too : tight , black curls , some of them from a beard .
25 I had a clear view of them from a branch of a tree that overhung the water , and I watched them on several occasions .
26 It was as if the train journey itself , the old-fashioned intimate compartment in which they had found themselves , the freedom from interruptions and the tyranny of the telephone , the sense of time visibly flying , annihilated under the pounding wheels , not to be accounted for , had released both of them from a carefulness which had become so much a part of living that they were no longer aware of its weight until they let it slip from their shoulders .
27 He had discharged one of them from the infirmary in no worse condition than when he had arrived .
28 We have encoded and used versions of them from the past we study .
29 It is that two lexical units will be assigned to the same lexeme if there exists a lexical rule which permits the prediction of the existence of the sense of one of them from the existence of the sense of the other .
30 At all stages in the development of armory , and in all the centuries during which it has been in use , there have been two conflicting underlying factors , and it is important that the local historian be aware of them from the outset , so that if false trails are followed they are not followed for long .
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