Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Anderson ( 1971 , pp. 125–7 ) argues that the good wages which young people could earn in the cotton towns in the mid-nineteenth century altered the balance between parents and children and put them on more equal terms when they shared a household , and also made it more possible for them to leave the parental home — although boys did this more often than girls .
2 This is the relevance of rules ; for the courts to embrace such an issue would be for them to breach the long-standing settlement with regard to the boundaries of parliamentary privilege ( see below , pp.113–19 ) and they would not do it .
3 Nevertheless , there is still a sufficiently good chance that they are the father for them to undertake the major share of parental duties .
4 ‘ Ricotta , ’ he explained , opening the bag for them to inspect the fluffy white mound with the whey still running out of the cheese paper .
5 It may perhaps be objected that the distance may prevent the pupils of the Hospitals from attending the Lectures of the Veterinary Professor — I will first answer to that — that it would be dangerous for the progress of the Veterinary science to give them too free admission into the College — because it might give a disgust to the residing pupils from their application to the Veterinary Medicine and many of them would change their mind and apply themselves to the anatomy of the human body , thinking that it would be more honorable for them to cure the human species than Animals , this happened in France and the best Veterinary pupils are now Physicians and Surgeons to the human species — this prejudiced ideal would inculcate itself into the minds of young men , the more so as the Veterinary Science is still in its Infancy in this Country , and in an abject state , for this reason it would be equally dangerous to permit residing pupils to attend medical or anatomical lectures , of the human body , or to frequent Hospitals : Therefore a certain distance from the Town would be more useful than otherwise for the progress of the Veterinary Science .
6 In either event , it is argued that the residual rights of the shareholders create an appropriate incentive for them to activate the relevant disciplinary mechanisms .
7 It has been almost impossible for them to acquire the artistic infrastructure that should surround those works so that they can be seen in the right scholarship context .
8 Someone had given the impetus to sort the outside external improvements for starters , and that provided the spur to for them to do the internal work .
9 Central government not only mapped out extended statutory territory for local councils to develop , but also provided a large financial incentive for them to cultivate the new territory .
10 While waiting for them to reach the outer limit of their seaward tack , we fished for our enormous aviator 's chart which was larger and more colourful , if little more useful , than theirs .
11 Friedan psychopathologizes women 's frustration with domesticity , and proposes the male-identified tactics of better education and paid work outside the home as ways for them to reach the male-associated goals of high self-esteem and strong identity .
12 It was appreciated that , being obese , it was not easy for them to climb the three sets of stairs leading to our house .
13 But the lads have been tremendous , and there 's a buzz around the club now all we want now is for them to show the same attitude tonight . ’
14 Unfortunately , the research revealed a high tendency for them to recruit the wrong people .
15 He needs to persuade foreigners that it is safe for them to lend the best part of £1000 million a week to the Treasury ; and he needs to persuade Britons that it is safe for them to start spending their money again .
16 Macromolecules in solution are usually much smaller and it would take years for them to overcome the Brownian motion and form a sediment .
17 Although these sentences differ in sense , it is quite possible for them to have the same reference , and the same truth value .
18 Today the Royals can not relax for a second , can not step one foot outside their own home without being met by a barrage of photographers waiting for them to make the smallest slip .
19 The time taken for them to enter the dark box is noted , and if they have not done so by the end of a fixed time , say one minute , the experiment is terminated .
20 It is hard for them to convince the rich countries to make sacrifices on their behalf .
21 It 's a shared responsibility between them to create the right environment so that the magic can happen . ’
22 Sex having been invented this way ( and later used to help the individual to develop disease resistance and the species to evolve more quickly ) a new problem arose : when an egg and a sperm fused during sex , a battle ensued between them to monopolise the resulting offspring .
23 They were in a minority but were expected between them to meet the sexual needs of the men .
24 ONCE again baseless charges of lewdness and indecency in this column make it impossible for me to report the following headline in the newsletter of Wolverhampton and Dudley Breweries : ‘ What 's Five Inches Long — and Worth £200 ? ’
25 So I 'm put into the hands of what used to be called ‘ Wardrobe ’ but now has the grander title of ‘ Costume Designers ’ , who are keen for me to join the twentieth century sartorially , which would involve climbing into one of those colossal suits .
26 There was nothing for it but for me to drive the ten miles there and back and pick it up , because the doctors would need to examine him and sign the certificate at 6.30 .
27 It was impossible for me to visit The Key Gallery , Glasgow where her work was exhibited from 15th to 30th May .
28 The man drew a hissing breath of impatience as he gritted , ‘ Tell your mother it 's imperative for me to reach the other side of the river .
29 I thought what a good idea it would be for me to do the same and I kept this in mind .
30 I e it would not be a problem for me to take the same line as either or any of my er opponents , or the incumbent Mr , erm you know , if they are , frankly , right .
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