Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is precisely because of them that any progress at all has been accomplished in matters of racial discourse .
2 But just now it works for all of us that these Pessarane Behesht have taken it into their heads to seize the woman and child . ’
3 I have a scanned image of the team with the new east stand behind them that i launch as my backdrop to windows .
4 One is the spot checks themselves to make sure that everything is right , the other is to show the commitment to people like you that this thing 's important .
5 I am afraid that I can not agree with you that all rivers should simply be recognized as public rights of way , attractive though that might appear .
6 That seems to have been inspired by his father 's excellent library , as well as the spiritual contact with him that such studying brought .
7 ‘ I shall ever remember the two or three hours conversation I had with him that beautiful May morning he died , before I woke the rest of the family .
8 Shakespeare evidently shared Donne 's dissatisfaction with the extant convention , agreed with him that unfulfilled love was a trope that could only lead to a limited number of stereotyped situations .
9 I could go on about singing harmonics and endless sustain , but just take it from me that this amp covers the whole guitar tone palette from clean to mega-dirt with considerable ease .
10 and if it was forced upon them that this land 's going to have to be put into a , a kind of block
11 Sometimes she dared to wonder at the causes for this way of life , for she could see that it did not represent a normal attitude towards society , though it was so deeply bred in her that all aberrations from it were for the rest of her life to seem to her perverse : but when , occasionally , she glimpsed some faint light of causation , she recoiled from it and shut her eyes in horror , preferring the darkness to such bitter illumination .
12 Sir John Donaldson M.R. has described in Abse v. Smith how the judges of every court had inherent power to regulate the practices of their court , which included the identification of those they were willing to hear plead before them , and it was not in dispute before us that these powers , until they were removed by section 27 of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 , were exercised by High Court judges sitting as such .
13 Webb-Bowen had about him that healthy gloss which derives from subscriptions paid annually by Coutt 's banker 's order to either BUPA or PPP .
14 There was a light about him that all onlookers could see .
15 There was a glow about him that all men had when they were around Paula .
16 What was it about him that one look from those obsidian eyes could reduce her to mush ?
17 And while relief surged through her that this kind stranger was , by the look of it , offering to give her a lift back to her hotel , he turned to the mechanic , gave him some instruction and , turning back , informed her , ‘ They 'll get the part as quickly as they can , but in the meantime we will have to leave your vehicle here . ’
18 They are doubly attracted when it is clear to them that any movement will be all one way , and where all they have to do is to bide their time and wait for the inevitable profits .
19 It has n't occurred to them that some people might actually have to survive on any money they 're given . ’
20 What was happening to them that this awareness had reached such a pitch in so short a time ?
21 It seemed to me that each person living in a house needed his or her special place , a sort of perch .
22 Whatever they like bottom of the River Trent if you like but it would be very going off the subject and I 've only got a minute or two to spare but what someone pointed out to me that terrible monstrosity outside the Theatre Royal subway and every time I pass I fume inwardly .
23 I was asked once if it seemed real to me that one day I would be lifeless inside it .
24 It was quite clear to me that 260,000 people would be reduced very substantially and that for every person who was made redundant in British Steel , seven people were affected — another three in the family , plus the people serving that family in the shops and in other ways .
25 It seemed to me that all surfers aspired to the condition of divinity .
26 And it seems to me that that oneness , that that unity is pneumatic in character .
27 However , when no real progess is made , the time comes for reassessment , and it seems to me that that time is now .
28 It seems to me that that attention to the moment is significant of the great work that you do for this particular charity .
29 It seems to me that few people have anything pleasant to say about capers , but I love them .
30 What 's more , after years of growing awareness about the state of the Earth , it seems to me that most governments are still blind to the readiness of their people to accept radical changes in the interests of their children and grandchildren .
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