Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] in the first " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The money we lifted was hardly intended for them in the first place , was it ? ’
2 Faced , however , with the catastrophic increase in unemployment and the need to occupy large numbers of workless people without directly employing them ( which would have run counter to the economic doctrine which had led to the redundancy of many of them in the first place ) , the Government poured money into any ‘ voluntary ’ agency willing to put in a bid for government-funded cheap labour .
3 The sheer volume of the many assessments externally required by the Act and now under design by SEAC runs the danger of forcing the less confident teachers — indeed all of them in the first instance , as they ascend the steep learning curve — into ‘ rote teaching ’ , a much more dangerous activity than rote learning because it tends to shut down that sense of intellectual curiosity without which children are not really being taught .
4 It was proposed that the trainee nurses would be accommodated in the main building of the institution and the committee recommended a scheme for ten probationers , five of them in the first year .
5 In all a total of 45 women are recorded as having re-applied for union membership between 1919 and 1934 ( 20 of them in the first two years , 1919 and 1920 ) and this is probably an underestimate .
6 that wh who in the government would he dispose of and he sat and smiled gently and said well he would n't have appointed any of them in the first place .
7 There were three of them in the first team at Peterborough last Saturday , and on Tuesday night young Adam Reed was in the squad .
8 He had seven birdies in his best opening round so far , six of them in the first 12 holes , but had trouble getting properly aligned on his long shots .
9 Phonelink also intends to broaden the possible applications of the product with the launch of Tel-Me in the first quarter of 1994 .
10 Even overpraising does , at times , lead to tantrums as a child decides that your lavish praise means that you did n't expect much of him in the first place .
11 Very silly of him in the first place !
12 There was a lot of tooth-sucking for a while as he tried to get me to say more and that was almost funny , given that it was the tooth-sucking that made me think of it in the first place , suddenly thinking .
13 This is because one or other must be better , and pride can not allow executives to settle for the second best — so why think of it in the first place ?
14 ‘ No , but then Ellie Browne did n't want to be a part of it in the first place .
15 IT WAS sackless not to have thought of it in the first place .
16 Word processors are more like DTP packages , and spreadsheets do just about everything bar make the money for you in the first place .
17 Durrant ran the show against them in the first leg of the ‘ Battle of Britain ’ , forging through from midfield , skipping tackles and spraying passes non-stop .
18 Likewise , Mr Clark has had to explain that his remark to Mr Lamont ( ‘ I can see you were n't at Eton ’ ) is derogatory not of the chancellor but of Mr Clark 's alma mater , where ‘ you were surrounded by shits and knew what shits were , the sort of people who could vote against Her in the first round .
19 The onus lies with them in the first place , because the design of the programmes of study is their responsibility .
20 I should n't have said I 'd come up here with you in the first place .
21 Eternal damnation for ever getting tied up with you in the first place ? ’
22 Athena appears in the first and last and in one other at each end ; Hermes with her in the first and without her in the Cerberus , where his presence is necessary as the hero 's guide to the Underworld .
23 What on earth has it got to do with him in the first place ?
24 ‘ Why the fuck did you get involved with him in the first place ? ’
25 Can you give me some idea of erm h how you started up with him in the first place ?
26 Just because unsubstantiated rumours abound that Terry 's brother Ted occasionally supplies me with specialist literature from the Continent , it does not mean I am taking backhanders or looking favourably towards Terry when including him in the first team .
27 Such women ( I include myself ) are probably a majority in the movement ( it was the sort of feeling that brought us into it in the first place , and anyway we have more time than mothers ) but not among women as a whole , most of whom appear to want to spend at least part of their lives having and raising children .
28 ‘ What I ca n't understand is why God had to be dragged into it in the first place .
29 You could tell her it 's her fault , not mine and next time she 's feeling like a bit of fun — if that was what she had been feeling like — maybe she 'd give a chap a chance to explain that there 's already a woman in his flat , a woman he will kick out with the utmost speed if she 'd just hang on , a woman he never even invited into it in the first place .
30 This has been quite a long , drawn-out argument , and it is time to remind ourselves of how we got into it in the first place .
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