Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [conj] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I said , ‘ If there is naught else in Paradise for me but this delight which I have in my own nature , no other blessing will I want and not even the houris and sugarcane of Paradise will divert me from it . ' ’
2 The need to feel wanted by or necessary to others is in all of us but this need can be magnified to immense proportions in those who suffer from the family disease .
3 One is the spot checks themselves to make sure that everything is right , the other is to show the commitment to people like you that this thing 's important .
4 She melted against him and this time he simply gathered her closer .
5 In those days the washing was done in a good old copper boiling on a Monday and light the fire underneath it and this sort of thing .
6 The clash between the end-weight and subject-before-predicate principles could have been avoided by switching from passive to active and inserting a subject such as We or This paper :
7 If I go I will only take you with me and this bed is already warm .
8 I ca n't think of his name now , but it was great because there was this really tough girl who wanted to hang around with me because this guy fancied me .
9 " I was bored with you and this mausoleum .
10 Again she considered that she may be falling in love with him but this time she was not so quick to dismiss it .
11 ‘ You 're not suggesting there 's a connection with it and this cross Adolph told you about .
12 For Marx , the value of a commodity is determined by the total amount of labour that has been put into it and this labour ‘ constitutes exactly the fund out of which surplus value , or profit is formed ’ .
13 I could go on about singing harmonics and endless sustain , but just take it from me that this amp covers the whole guitar tone palette from clean to mega-dirt with considerable ease .
14 and if it was forced upon them that this land 's going to have to be put into a , a kind of block
15 Once again we have tried to reflect in the year 's programme the feed-back we have had from you and this year we have obviously been particularly aware of the financial constraints upon us .
16 There was a throbbing urgency developing in the way they touched , a desperation in their kisses ; the yearning for fulfilment that had been growing in her since this man had first taken her was now a scream deep inside her , aching for him , crying for him , sobbing for him .
17 Only those who know what they are looking for will stumble upon it and this seclusion exerted a strong appeal on the Ashleys .
18 Something was happening between her and this man that she did n't understand .
19 There was something concrete between her and this man , and with the knowledge fear flared inside her , biting , complex fear .
20 This causes the reader to feel very sorry for him but this pity soon fades as Pip starts to blame Joe for his common ways and he slowly begins to turn into a snob .
21 And while relief surged through her that this kind stranger was , by the look of it , offering to give her a lift back to her hotel , he turned to the mechanic , gave him some instruction and , turning back , informed her , ‘ They 'll get the part as quickly as they can , but in the meantime we will have to leave your vehicle here . ’
22 Her husband — there was no glow now — had clearly forgotten he was wed to her ; the link between him and this woman was almost visible .
23 For a moment Theda stood transfixed , as everything that had passed , all Lady Merchiston 's avowed plans for her and this man , came crashing in on her brain .
24 What was happening to them that this awareness had reached such a pitch in so short a time ?
25 Alice had stopped to listen to them because this man , this kind-faced fair one , was quite a good performer .
26 Er at the moment there are no savings identified and it seems to me that this Committee needs to deal with the budget as it finds .
27 It is a source of some regret to me that this column will not be here to report the changes .
28 It seems to me that this way of looking at things is the only one which allows us to understand the validity of the second law , and the heat death of each individual world , without invoking a unidimensional change of the entire universe from a definite initial state to a final state . ’
29 It seems to me that this explosion of energy has been drained of its radical potential , diverted into areas of service provision which should be the State 's concern .
30 It seems to me that this case does not even touch that important question . ’
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