Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [verb] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And if you start to talk about me giving up and coming home with you , it ends right there . ’
2 Yeah but they basically just do n't want to lose out either way , I mean there was no reason for them to join originally but when events happen and they see the tide turning almost , you know get with the bandwagon , I mean they , they do n't want now to be seen as the minority and the ones under threat , so you go with the er majority , with the , the stronger force
3 Now , a number of years later , I have seen some of God 's plans for them come about and realize how much he has cared for them and kept them safe .
4 Consequently more students in this are group are having to pay fares — a very cogent reason , indeed , for them to choose carefully where they wish to study .
5 It was agreed that the growing diversity of pressures upon schools made it difficult for them to adapt intelligently and consistently .
6 And put in brackets E G you know how you like give an example for them to fill in and say E G B B C
7 In some , e.g. , the United Kingdom and France , judges are permitted to attend ( pursuant either to a declaration under the Convention or other procedures ) but it has been rare for them to do so and they could normally only ask questions with the leave of the court .
8 I hesitate to use adjectives as to what they would be like if they did n't spend at that level , but we believe it is possible for them to do so and there is something wrong with their spending levels if they do n't do it .
9 It also advocated that the local authorities should ‘ maintain their presence in higher education ’ , adding that it would only be acceptable for them to do so if they could all ‘ restrain themselves from excessive and unreasonable interference in the running of large , developed polytechnics with the skills and competence to look after themselves ’ .
10 All of these factors weaken the ties that such businesses have with the communities in which they are located and make it less difficult for them to close down and/or relocate if and when business conditions deteriorate in one country relative to other countries .
11 The old Frenchman motioned for them to sit down and continue with their meal as he opened a cupboard and took out a bottle and two glasses .
12 Only one day , but nevertheless it 's something that they will always remember and hopefully it will be just a spur for them to go on and do better things .
13 ‘ I think you 'll have to , ’ said Fenella , who found the idea completely appalling , but who was trying to be practical and sensible and make it sound safe for them to go so that they could get Nuadu .
14 In many areas it is simply impossible for them to go out and win a big share in an intensely competitive market without the Government 's explicit support and cooperation .
15 But in a way , I i i is it better for them to walk out than seethe and you know , I sa are you putting a bit much on there ?
16 He searched around for somewhere for them to ride out and try cross-country in earnest , and came up with some tatty farms off the arterial which were within riding distance .
17 Within our provision for grants for voluntary organizations , we hold an unallocated figure , because we do n't automatically erm , add inflation to grants to voluntary bodies , and in fact we wait for them to come forward and justify the increases of grants we 're giving .
18 She phoned Meg again and told her she was so silly , she 'd made a muddle with the dates of two concerts , and it would be perfectly all right for them to come tonight but only if Meg was absolutely sure it would n't be too much trouble , it was so sweet of her …
19 I waited again for them to come out but nothing stirred .
20 Parents ' main interest was seen as the opportunity to influence the quality of their children 's education … the view was expressed that the APM should be seen as the climax to a continuous relationship between various parties and an opportunity for them to come together and ask questions about what had happened over the course of the previous 12 months .
21 Again it took a little while for them to calm down and when they had , Bartlemas , with mock solemnity , handed the envelope to Jacqui .
22 I mean , who can help but feel other than sorry for them , but for them to burst out and say that those two little boys , which is all that they are ,
23 There is a lot of it hype , there is a lot of it window dressing , but by and large it has helped to provide a railway line , if you like , for them to work on and give special help and special aid to various industries that are relocating there .
24 On the assumption that people are motivated by monetary reward , it was argued that this would provide incentives for them to work harder and for entrepreneurs to create wealth and jobs .
25 Once inside the shop , however , acrimony faded ; they were so alike that it was impossible for them to work together and be at odds .
26 If the little sods want to experiment , that 's fair enough ; we scatter a widely varied selection of ephemeral matter around the common room for them to browse over or deface — the Daily Express , Lancet , Exchange & Mart , Viz … that sort of thing .
27 But in some parishes it er had been useful for them to stand out because the parish council was made up of people who had grown old with parish priests and er it was a chance to make a new start .
28 Most of all they enjoyed the space we created for them to get on and do their work in relative peace .
29 Their duties made it difficult for them to meet frequently but they seized every opportunity to be together and their love grew stronger every day .
30 It had never been known for them to stay less than three hours — not that Mum minded .
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