Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] were [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Towards the end of the colonial period , missionary schools increasingly received government grants , and some government schools for blacks were established in urban areas .
2 But as time went on and techniques advanced , they found that peculiar sorts of molecules turned up , rather unusual ones , things that were n't expected — molecules that are very uncommon on the earth and in fact a number of molecules were discovered in interstellar space before they were discovered in the laboratory .
3 Following on from the recommendations of the report , a number of projects were commissioned in 1986 within this area which are included within the Competitiveness Initiative .
4 In the Trocadero large quantities of objects were displayed in a crowded , haphazard fashion , and , while Picasso was undoubtedly overwhelmed by what he saw and experienced , the impression he carried away with him must have been of a very general , metaphysical kind .
5 In April 1989 a series of houses were raided in West Germany and bomb-making equipment was found , which was thought to be associated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command ( PFLP-GC ) .
6 Scores of houses were devastated in a no-warning attack on an RUC station .
7 More than two thirds of mutations were located in the 5' half of the last exon , and over 90% resulted in truncation of the APC gene product .
8 Although the system of relief under the Poor Law had changed when the Boards of Guardians were disbanded in 1929 and changes had been made in the unemployment insurance scheme , the principle of not allowing unemployment benefit to exceed a man 's wages was by no means abandoned .
9 The Poor Law Boards of Guardians were abolished in 1930 and their responsibilities distributed among the appropriate committees of the county councils and county boroughs .
10 Memories of the 1983 riots , when thousands of Tamils were butchered in Colombo , are lively .
11 During the middle decades of the century , vast numbers of animals were slaughtered in both India and Africa .
12 Tens of thousands of whippings were inflicted in India : 75,223 in 1878 alone , for example , and 64,087 in 1897 .
13 The deficit for the 1990 underwriting year is expected to soar to £2.4 billion , after £2 billion of losses were suffered in 1989 .
14 The embalmer glanced to check how close he was to a narrow shelf on which a series of knives were arranged in orderly rows .
15 Hundreds of journalists were tried in the purges — ‘ l'épuration ’ — that followed the Liberation : more perhaps than any other profession , journalists paid the price of collaboration .
16 Like living pelagic animals they had preferences for particular water temperatures ; different types of ammonoids were found in high or low latitudes .
17 Each model was presented with a small crest , then with accentuated crest , then with small crest again on about 10d each ; roughly equal numbers of responses were scored in each phase .
18 A number of barges were hidden in the trees along the lakeside and Mandeville and Santerre ordered these to be brought together .
19 Additionally , a slightly higher proportion of blacks were sentenced in adult rather than juvenile magistrates courts and of these a higher proportion of blacks were tried in the crown courts .
20 Additionally , a slightly higher proportion of blacks were sentenced in adult rather than juvenile magistrates courts and of these a higher proportion of blacks were tried in the crown courts .
21 Early in the programme a few specimens of achondrites were found in both the Allan Hills and Yamato ice fields .
22 Black boxes the size of video-cassettes were welded on to 3,000 cars and hundreds of loops were buried in the roads .
23 It was the night of the school disco and a group of parents were standing in the corner as the kids enjoyed themselves on the dance floor .
24 One effect of wiring for trolleybuses was that the two pairs of wires were accommodated in troughing under the bridges at Selhurst and Selby Road .
25 ‘ There is considerable danger here of drawing the conclusion that because the two sets of bones were found in conjunction and on the same date , they must have met their deaths at the same time .
26 A large number of rebels were imprisoned in Wells Cathedral and later in the jails of Taunton and Bridgwater , where Ken visited them and ministered to their spiritual and material misery .
27 Cayley 's work soon encouraged many mathematicians to invariant theory , described by Sylvester as " the essence of modern algebra " , and so many invariants were found that , to bring some order to the subject , minimal systems of invariants were sought in terms of which all others could be expressed .
28 Among those aged 16–24 , over 80 per cent of West Indians and 15 per cent of Asians were born in Britain , while of those over 25 , only 3 per cent of West Indians and less than 1 per cent of Asians were born here .
29 The first cases of AIDS were reported in 1978 .
30 SEVEN new cases of AIDS were reported in Scotland last month , bringing the total to 371 .
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