Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] which [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 Men look only for signs which flatter them .
2 The latter now hold expectations that they are entitled to know about matters which affect them , their jobs and their lives .
3 I have my doubts about the latter vision since archivists , librarians and museum creators deal with materials which are differentiated by the type of activities which created them , rather than simply by the physical form of those artefacts .
4 They result from their real essences , the arrangement of corpuscles which make them up .
5 This new column by AI 's Urgent Action co-ordinator reports on some aspects of UAs which show they are working .
6 They do not even have to be alike at all beyond some minimum range of conditions which puts them into the same political category .
7 He would simply say it refers to all those aspects of things which make them beautiful considered in some , and that , if you think of that as a sort of mental object for a moment , is a very rich one .
8 Unlike Berkeley , they held that there are both ideas and a world of things which cause them .
9 He would simply say it refers to all those aspects of things which makes them beautiful , considered in sum .
10 The district benefited from the fact that it had comparative information on performance from a large range of providers which enabled them to take a more detached view of the strengths and weaknesses of its own unit , even though it also increased the complexity of contracting .
11 The nuns led them through a series of exercises which encouraged them to think about the good in themselves , and to know that God , in His love for them , has forgiven their sins .
12 The reorganization of the Training Commission has already shifted decision-making on post-sixteen training towards non-elected decision-making forums , often with the enthusiastic involvement of colleges which see them as sources of additional funds .
13 The barge-owners had to go as far as the brewery wharf across Maurice 's foredeck and over a series of gangplanks which connected them with their own boats .
14 They had always been fed a diet of worksheets which led them along step by step — now they were thinking and making decisions for themselves .
15 A stream of other officials walked in and out regularly to give advice , pass on information or carry in the heavy wooden boxes full of papers which surrounded them like a stockade .
16 More than 3,000 people joined Government programmes and 504,056 receive help under a series of schemes which exclude them from the unemployment count .
17 These dolphins are oceanic travellers , with a migration route Of thousands of kilometres which takes them past the southern coastline of Japan on both legs of their annual migration .
18 The face-to-face interaction feature of interviews which makes them such a potent source of interviewer bias also makes them an effective device for communicating concern , interest and priorities to interviewees .
19 For Scharlieb , it was women 's unique position as reproducers which made them so central to the physical and moral training of future generations .
20 Duosome Cream is a beauty product whose active ingredients include Elastin , Collagen , Vitamins E and F , together with liposomes which carry them beneath the skin to the cells below .
21 The Young Engineers Clubs aim to encourage a greater number of Scotland 's more able youngsters to continue with subjects which give them the option of tertiary education in science or engineering .
22 It is the poverty suffered by pensioners with disabilities which forces them to change their behaviour .
23 To create a more original effect well-known phrases and sayings can be contrasted with others which contradict them .
24 They also give expression to their feelings about situations which worry them and by doing so provide some relief from anxiety .
25 In addition they choose from units which permit them to study those national and regional histories of which they have some prior knowledge , as well as less familiar societies and cultures , and from units in which the emphasis is on a particular aspect of or approach to history , for example , the history of the Origins of Modern Science , of Modern Political Thought or of Mass Communication and Society .
26 In the second year , students choose from units which permit them to study national and regional histories of which they probably have some prior knowledge , as well as less familiar societies and cultures .
27 If children are allowed and encouraged to work in areas which interest them , this ought to be a useful means of demonstrating to them the usefulness of developing their reading skills .
28 On the other hand , Muscovy 's social élites did suffer from weaknesses which made them much less independent and their property much less secure than elsewhere in Europe .
29 Lineage shaikhs designated one of their number to be a section shaikh , to represent them in affairs which concerned them all .
30 They were situated in positions which made them visible from the pests on each side .
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