Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] work [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This project is a study of the implications of unemployment for attitudes to work in Britain and France .
2 It is perhaps ironical that the differences between spoken and written language are typically much smaller for researchers working on language than for the majority of the population .
3 This lack of explicitness will surely limit the significance of the book for researchers working in speech act theory and related fields .
4 Oakley ( 1974a ) in her study of housework could find no correlation between hours worked by housewives and the quantity of domestic machinery they had access to .
5 The county offers certificates in the teaching and learning of adult basic education and a particular option is available for tutors working with students with severe learning difficulties .
6 Three Blue Sisters have now been sent as Missionaries to work in North West Atlanta , USA .
7 Fundholding strengthens the case for pharmacists working in health centres .
8 Making their British debut — these printmakers have become recognised as one of the liveliest groups of artists working in France today .
9 But the reality is that 99% of artists working in London will not get anywhere near the shortlist .
10 That in line with the Area Staff Commission , Coordinators discuss with all area secretaries and their secretarial assistants Christian Aid 's invitation to secretarial assistants to come onto the payroll at sometime during eighteen months beginning 1st October , 1991 at grate IV and at the same number of hours worked at present .
11 The inter-establishment variation in relative wages will be analysed as will be the decomposition of the differential in weekly pay into that in hourly pay and that in the number of hours worked per week .
12 Taylor expressed his surprise ; was Jackson not aware that in the district in which these persons derived their experience , there was little , if any , knowledge of mines worked under day levels or of what takes place in them when they are drained to considerable depths by machinery ?
13 Many characteristics of organizations work against teams .
14 Taxi drivers on the resort island of Jerba , close to the Libyan border , are already expecting a windfall from the transit of foreigners working in Libya .
15 It is good to know that there is now a growing number of organisations working on behalf of carers to bring their problems to the attention of the public and the government .
16 I have been asked to do a couple of days work in Aberdeen sometime next month and also some part time development/fund-raising work for a charity ( The Association for the Preservation of Rural Scotland ) .
17 To demonstrate the magnitude of changes wrought by man upon nature the book devoted chapters to vegetable and animal species ( chapter 2 ) , to woods ( 3 ) , waters ( 4 ) , sands ( 5 ) and to the projected or possible geographical changes by man ( 6 ) .
18 Nevertheless , they counter that the physical environment should not be considered a constant , even over the relatively short period of agricultural settlement in Great Britain , in part because of climatic change and its consequences , in part because of changes wrought by land use practices , and in part because of changed perceptions of the environment ; see also Prince ( 1971 ) , and Blaikie and Brookfield ( 1987 ) .
19 The total number of persons working on Northern Ireland farms is believed to be 1pc higher due to an increase in the number of casual and seasonal workers .
20 ‘ I was fascinated to discover that a number of Americans worked for SOE before America came into the war .
21 This latter type of work , it is claimed here , is not logically as different from the work of sociologists and anthropologists as it is from that of scientists working with animals , plants or inanimate objects .
22 In the same month it was announced that the abandonment of the trams would take place over two years , in stages , by groups of routes working from West to East , so that Charlton Works and the nearby tram graveyard at Penhall Road could remain open until the last stage .
23 The Community has gone a long way towards achieving that central purpose ; towards taming nationalism without suppressing patriotism ; towards sharing sovereignty without destroying nations ; and towards putting the magic of markets to work for society in a stable democratic setting .
24 Even though the portrayal of police work on celluloid is not a realistic description of policing in Easton , the conceptualizations they have of their role as fighters of ‘ big crime ’ , which they have to be continually prepared for , encourages them to see the media portrayal of policing as accurate , thus completing the circle .
25 The routineness of police work in Easton is thus reinforced by the interpretative processes and practical reasoning that Easton 's police share with policemen and women in other societies when doing routine police work .
26 There were several other police vehicles parked around , and a small group of men working under floodlights and umbrellas at the back of the court itself , but that was all .
27 We , we kept on er making or doing repairs for the Ministry of Works for about ooh seven or eight years after the war finished , which kept a lot of men working in Galashiels when we , you know , when they were n't very sure if they could come back to their old jobs .
28 Some stabilisation of Gaelic has occurred since 1961 and the project , following previous pilot studies , aims to indicate the factors promoting this and to assess the strength of factors working against language-maintenance .
29 Furthermore , preparation of students to work as church musicians without regard to their religious convictions can lead to confusion or insincerity .
30 In 1990 a group of students worked with Rolls Royce at the aeroengine plant in Barnoldswick , Lancashire .
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