Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] be [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 Earnings per share at the Blackburn-based company advanced to 13.8p from 13.2p and the dividend total for shareholders is up to 5.63p from 5.36p .
2 A concern for animals is also to the fore in the classic text of W.M.S. Russell and R.L. Burch ( 1959 ) , The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique .
3 The teaching of values is up to the school , she argues , as it is the teachers ' opinion that children respect .
4 As in the Z2 Carbonate , a belt of good porosity might be expected at the edge of the platform where a continuous sequence of oolites is though to be present .
5 References in other provisions of the Act to laying of accounts are then to be read as references to the sending of copies under section 238 .
6 The monotonous cawing of seabirds was soon to be broken , however , and not by quite such a fearful development .
7 Thus we have to say of medieval popular drama that the sense of ritual ‘ presence ’ , of the kind still indicated by the formalized words and movements of the mass , has significantly changed , but may in some new combination of signals be still to some extent active , in ways that it is clearly -not in later forms and systems .
8 The three colours , natural , red or buff can be used separately or mixed , though a mixture of colours is not to everyone 's taste .
9 Order must be kept and , while the regimentation of plants is not to be recommended , aquatics in an informal situation must be regularly kept in check .
10 It seems to us that it is a perfectly proper use of ordinary language and as such to be readily understood by ordinary literate men and women to say of a person in this appellant 's position that his services as an accountant were ‘ employed ’ by his customers , and that this state of affairs is properly to be described by the word ‘ employment . ’
11 This happy state of affairs was soon to be destroyed , for Seth , the younger brother of Osiris , was jealous of Osiris 's power and prestige and determined to seize the throne for himself .
12 This highlighted the need for the regeneration of the Essex manufacturing base , and a series of seminars are now to be held to discover how many people have workable ideas waiting to be put into practice .
13 We must allow that the course of events is partly to be explained by appealing to individual characteristics .
14 Central to his argument is the claim that the course of events is principally to be explained in terms of the social needs of a society , needs which ultimately rest upon the forces of production .
15 The decision of whether I will be meat for crocodiles is up to Banda himself , ’ he told the BBC before his flight .
16 His famous comment about things are back to as they should be every nation for herself and god for us all .
17 A hospital which had been threatened with cuts is now to be expanded .
18 On Merseyside thefts from cars are down to 16,251 and numbers of cars stolen are down to 12,992 an overall drop of nine per cent .
19 On Merseyside , thefts from cars are down to 16,251 and the number of cars stolen has fallen to 12,992 an overall drop of 9% .
20 At the beginning of the 37th general congregation Archbishop Felici announced an alteration in the rules governing secrecy : from now on it was permissible to reveal what was said in debates in the Council , though discussion in commissions was still to be kept from journalists .
21 Such frightened insolence about Americans is still to be found in England , and among what the English regard as their intellectual and artistic elite .
22 ‘ Standing on chairs is n't to be recommended when you 're just recovering from a sprained ankle .
23 The only acceptable environment for children is thus to be in the care of a heterosexual couple , as this is the only ‘ normal ’ environment which can provide a ‘ natural ’ stable family life .
24 At St Michaels even the rules they do have regarding animals are there to be broken at the special blessing service
25 The exemption of gifts and bequests between spouses is certainly to be welcomed , and the amended regulations which provide reasonable scope for gifts to charity are a belated honouring of the promise in the White Paper that charities would be at least as well off as under the old estate duty .
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