Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [adv] from [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Fine Art Developments also failed to rally and after interims ahead from £4.5m to £4.95m , the price slipped 9p to 465p .
2 He has , however introduced a significant shift in the burden of taxes away from business on to individuals .
3 I have received a number of requests recently from clients who have been sent claims for payment which , while clearly including a VAT element , contain the words ‘ this is not a VAT invoice ’ .
4 This chapter has looked at the importance of temporary jobs as a source of flows both from unemployment into employment and from employment into unemployment .
5 hmm — and the trip back to london after the geordie game was not a happy one — trains arriving a couple of hours late from scotland due to snow or whatever …
6 And , on the other side , one outcome of the Truce of Orléans was that Charles took the abbacy of Ferrières away from Odo and gave it to a member of the community whose chief recommendation ( with still more pull than his fine scholarship ) was a readiness to commit himself to Charles .
7 He put in 37 appearances in our final Southern League season , and again scored a couple of goals away from home — at Luton ( Palace won 4–1 ) and at QPR ( we won 3–2 ) .
8 EVERYONE remembers those school trip tragedies which have claimed the lives of youngsters far from home .
9 ‘ Some flats nearby had just been ‘ re-habbed ’ but the firm which won the contract brought a bus-load of workers down from Tyneside each day to do the work .
10 mm , not bad are you gon na get erm a pair of trousers then from Mark 's ?
11 There is a steady flow of applications both from students with educational experience at an appropriate level in the past and from current students either at other institutions or on non-modular courses at Oxford .
12 At Stage I VUPP had only 1.5 quotas but with the aid of transfers mainly from Armstrong ( Un ) and Maginnis ( UPNI ) as well as non-transfers from Republican Clubs the two VUPP candidates were elected .
13 Only the queen of the social columns , recruited a couple of years previously from Calgary , sat calmly at her desk , her silver-tipped fingers delicately feeling the pulse of the city 's social life .
14 Brian Clough has already made an inquiry for the player he tried to sign a couple of years ago from Arsenal and , if Leeds go out of the European Cup tonight , a rapid departure could be on the cards .
15 Furthermore , during the 1980s there has also been shift of resources away from hospitals towards the family practitioner services in order to build up ‘ primary care ’ .
16 Housed in their decaying Easter Road ground , ironically a matter of yards away from Meadowbank 's Commonwealth Games stadium , Hibs greeted the '90s facing extinction .
17 That 's just couple of junctions up from Nottingham .
18 In general , studies of women prose writers have outstripped by some distance studies of poets apart from Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and the Countess of Winchilsea .
19 They had a lot of joiners up from Paisley and they employed a lot of local labour as well .
20 It is thought that the separation of children from poor parents , the keeping of children apart from parents and the removal of parental rights are undertaken too readily by these agencies .
21 There was also trouble with yasyri , that is slaves seized , not for formal reasons like the amanaty , but for the personal use of men far from home and family .
22 I realised there were periods of time when this pool is hardly used , so I approached the management and asked if I could bring parties of residents here from Conway House .
23 But the fact that the effects of plate interactions can extend for thousands of kilometres away from plate boundaries , as we have seen in the case of the Tibetan Plateau and central Asia ( see Section ) , shows that this is certainly not the case .
24 After the ultimate collapse of the last-minute French initiative [ see below ] , he made a statement at the request of the Security Council on Jan. 15 , saying : " As … the world stands poised between peace and war , I most sincerely appeal to President Saddam Hussein to turn the course of events away from catastrophe and toward a new era of justice and harmony …
25 For example , Starbuck ( 1982 ) states that rarely is there a neat sequence of events through from recognition of a problem to definition of the problem , generating possible actions , selection of the appropriate option and implementation .
26 More generally , political influences appear to have been especially important by way of a facilitating role of socialist ideology in broadening the structural form of unions away from concern with narrow and particularistic special interests .
27 Get into the habit first of feeling the sheer thrill and exhilaration of getting out of doors away from telephones , noise , and distractions .
28 Back to her own classroom , which was a couple of doors down from Miss Pennycott , who , at lunchtime , in the staff mess , had taken her aside .
29 For you sit here , thousands of miles away from Palestine , a land which most of you will never see , and yet which you will certainly pay for-with your money , yes , and some of you with your blood and sweat — you sit here and you listen to me as I tell you about this impossible , this ridiculous dream , and it does n't occur to you that we are all mad , you and I and all our people ? ’
30 I have not got enough land for the horses ' longer holidays , but with friendly farmers around I am able to rent two big ‘ safe ’ fields which are a couple of miles away from home .
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