Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 This order is consistent with the established relationships between subjects at the time that the scheme was first published ( 1876 ) , but produces some strange collocations for today 's literature .
2 This time the four definitive gricers ' bibles of the time come in one small , hardbacked ( and thus very easily pocketed ) volume with many pictures and full shed lists ( complete with the names of Loco Superintendents and Chief Mechanical Engineers ? ) which would have been important information for spotters of the time .
3 During the First World War , Turkish bureaucracy and a locust plague produced a famine in Lebanon of such proportions that an American woman resident in Beirut was moved to describe for readers of The Times how she :
4 He was lost for words at the time , and had to apologise and thank the donors later in private .
5 To do so requires a comparison of the market-makers actual portfolio of investments at the time of the disclosure of the inside information , with the portfolio he could have had in the absence of the inside trade .
6 Miss C 's mother has never been told of the attack , because she was undergoing a series of operations at the time .
7 Questioned by the procurator-fiscal , Andrew Normand , British Rail 's director of operations at the time , Terence Worrall , admitted that had the sheriff 's deliberations been fully taken into account , additional safety procedures would have been introduced which would have prevented the Newton disaster .
8 Questioned by the procurator-fiscal , Andrew Normand , British Rail 's director of operations at the time , Terence Worrall , admitted that had the sheriff 's deliberations been fully taken into account , additional safety procedures would have been introduced which would have prevented the Newton accident .
9 This added a couple of minutes to the time it took .
10 But his co-accused , Robert Henry ( 24 ) , of Rathmore Drive , Rathcoole , denies murdering Mr McTasney and possession of firearms at the time of the shooting .
11 ‘ I do n't know if it 's of any help but — er — I made a couple of notes at the time .
12 The diagnosis of gonorrhoea in man can thus be confirmed in the majority of cases within the time it takes to stain and examine a slide of urethral discharge from the penis — a matter of some fifteen or twenty minutes .
13 They were constrained by s I mean like what they wanted to do was constrained by the practical sort of necessities of the time and even if they had wanted to have a more vigorous policy of land reform
14 As with chimneys , so with synapses ; if they are constructed — or even reconstructed — during learning , one might expect a brief increase in the rate of synthesis of proteins over the time when an animal was being trained and memory was being formed .
15 So I started tracing back the roots , like a lot of kids at the time .
16 Both MV and PT measure the total value of transactions during the time period and so must be identical .
17 Part of the experiment was to hold a couple of quizzes at the time of year when we might expect problems with speakers and audience having to travel in bad weather .
18 If this extraordinary statement involved a blindness to reality , it provided no warning of the storm of anger and abuse which my series of articles in The Times was to generate among Israelis and their supporters in Britain .
19 In a series of articles in The Times to celebrate Mrs Thatcher 's ten years as leader ( 11 , 12 , and 13 February 1985 ) he wrote that she had inherited ‘ forty years of muddled policy ’ .
20 The actors themselves are generally keen to help , both in person and through the mouths of officials at the time , and ( often telling a rather different tale ) in tranquil autobiographies afterwards .
21 Many Labour councils held these kinds of sentiments at the time .
22 In order to fully understand an alarm reaction it is useful to think back many thousands of years to the time of the caveman .
23 Leaving aside the question of costs for the time being , what kind of problems will a government anxious to promote positive discrimination policies have to face ?
24 Now , locations can be specified relative to other objects or fixed reference points , as in : ( 66 ) The station is two hundred yards from the cathedral ( 67 ) Kabul lies at latitude 34 degrees , longitude 7° degrees Alternatively , they can be deictically specified relative to the location of participants at the time of speaking ( CT ) , as in ( 68 ) It 's two hundred yards away ( 69 ) Kabul is four hundred miles West of here In either case it is likely that units of measurement , or descriptions of direction and location , will have to be used , and in that case place deixis comes to interact in complex ways with the non-deictic organization of space ( see Leech , 1969 ; Fillmore , 1975 : 16-28 ; Lyons , 1977a : 69Off ; and references therein ) .
25 The concerns of a small group of desert raiders probably came very low in the order of priorities at the time .
26 Referring issues to the firm holding a particular position is especially popular in share valuation and other functions entrusted to the firm of auditors for the time being of the company in question .
27 Edward had dropped the whole cargo of gifts by the time he had got down the twenty iron rungs of the ladder .
28 The absence of endowments before the time of the Emperor Constantine inevitably meant that well-to-do Christians had much influence on their local communities , which could be decisive when a new bishop was being chosen .
29 He offered £500 towards the cost of fortifications at the time of the renewal of his lease , and he secured government support for the maintenance of a garrison there .
30 The publication of details at the time would not have helped the morale of the Allies , but it was impossible to prevent the incident being talked about by servicemen in the area .
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