Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [verb] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The analytical solution does not , however , allow for objects breaking up in response to aerodynamic forces .
2 For kids brought up on rock , Sinatra is torture .
3 My helpers borrowed an old flatbed truck from a farmer , along with two dozen squared bales of hay which they arranged as steps leading up to the truck .
4 The start of a new year is a time for pundits to come up with predictions they may well regret
5 She drew comparisons between the present crisis concerning Iraq 's invasion of Kuwait and the experience of 1938 , declaring that " Czechoslovakia of all countries needs no reminding of the need for nations to stand up to bullies and do so at once " .
6 Several other light buoys have been extinguished after boats tied up to them and accidentally damaged their cables .
7 We had to answer technical questions put forward by the new investigating judge , Dr Rosario Priore and his appointed Commission of experts made up of 10 Italian , British , German and Swedish avionics and radar experts , ’ says Steve .
8 For the time being UNESCO is unable to send a cultural mission to Iraq to investigate the situation , although it has had a team of experts lined up since July of last year .
9 Gold bracelets , silver spoons and thousands of coins dug up in Suffolk field
10 Biologists may be able to determine the shape of molecules made up of amino acid chains , thereby predicting the effect of drugs before such drugs even exist .
11 A barricade of flagstones prised up from the floor had been erected for a final stand and the Collector , snatching a moment to look back towards it , was dismayed to see that the other party was already behind it , thus leaving himself and his men exposed on the flank .
12 Later on that week we were talking in the library again and somehow the topic of owls came up in conversation once more .
13 Lorryloads of blooms rolled up to the Bel Air mansion where Liz , 60 , lay in bed , surrounded by her doctors .
14 Set on a hilltop , the old town is surrounded by seven rows of ramparts leading up to the bastion and cathedral at the summit .
15 Joe always made sure there were a couple of swings rigged up to the spreaded branches for the children to enjoy .
16 Projects are often unsustainable , as the MOH has to finance the recurrent costs of activities set up by the project after the donor leaves .
17 The seminar will not only set the tone for the CentCom meetings , but will also form part of a worldwide series of activities leading up to WACC 's Second World Communication Congress in 1995 , which will focus on the same theme .
18 It condemns us as lifelong victims of patterns set up in childhood , the unwilling prey of our devilish subconscious , the helpless captives of our ‘ character ’ or genetic make-up .
19 I have looked at the evidence of so-called student hardship and I do not accept that the ’ scores ’ of cases stand up to examination .
20 From a handful of POCs in the early Sixties , the number of cases taken up by Amnesty now stands at 42,000 of which 38,000 are now closed .
21 3.21 The Working Party 's Guidelines are expressed to be based upon an analysis of cases reported up to September 1991 .
22 Reading involves the recognition of printed or written symbols which serve as stimuli for recall of meanings built up through past experience , and the construction of new meanings through manipulation of concepts already possessed by the reader .
23 Their use as a screen or selector seems to dictate the curriculum rather than merely to reflect it , and to bring it about that easily measurable accomplishments should be given priority , the repeating of acquired factual information , or the mechanical performance of skills picked up without understanding .
24 Is not social work the application of skills picked up in the ‘ University of Life ’ and do we not all know what deprived infants and troublesome adolescents need ?
25 There is another pair of climbers starting up from the same ledge .
26 Fifty to eighty percent of my time goes to meetings , either with one of my engineers or in development meetings , or in planning functions , or — we have a series of meetings set up with this group since they provide a service to us — and oh , I do n't know — ten to twenty percent of my time [ is spent ] on the phone … and the rest of my time , either in filling out forms that I have to fill out or thinking , sometimes .
27 Each of these in turn subdivided into separate , smaller fibrils which are themselves composed of a highly organized array of myofilaments made up of the proteins actin and myosin ( Fig. 53 ) .
28 On the short mixed ridge leading to this minor training summit , you can view an endless stream of parties coming up from the Grands Montets cablecar station for a taste of a real alpine mountaineering .
29 He lurched at every step and emitted squeaks of either joy or horror — it was impossible to tell — when the pony trotted a couple of paces to catch up with its companions .
30 Then read from a list of words containing up to six letters , one at a time .
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