Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 These gains were the by-products of a war fought mainly for reasons connected with the balance of power in Europe , but they were attractive enough to encourage the British to think about further involvement outside Europe .
2 Subject indexing is generally carried out by those familiar with the discipline definitions , for reasons connected with the publication of classified bibliographies , or for the arrangement of documents in libraries , information centres , catalogues and databases .
3 For reasons explained in the rolling stock chapter , they were not entirely satisfactory and were returned at the end of 1923 .
4 The question of whether the offence under section 51 should be triable summarily only is controversial , for reasons examined by the C.L.K.C. Since magistrates often imprison persons convicted of assaulting policemen , but not of simple assault , the propriety of excluding jury trial seems questionable .
5 For reasons given in the text , all figures should be treated carefully .
6 For reasons given in the next section , we remain sympathetically sceptical .
7 He labours scornfully for this Simon Giles , faintly comforted by a corner in Classical studies which has been granted him for reasons to do with the firm 's image .
8 In my judgement , the advent of theory was not a cause of disruption , but a symptom of it , for reasons suggested in the above quotation from Gerald Graff .
9 Since 1977 , for reasons suggested in the last chapter , there has been considerable concern among both politicians and the public with the utility of education to society .
10 For reasons linked to the physical strength needed to operate them at the beginning , spinning mules were operated by men .
11 However , this reasoning is not accepted in English law for non-homicide offences , and provocation is not generally allowed to reduce a more serious offence to a less serious offence — probably for reasons associated with the policy of efficient administration ( see Chapter 3.3(m) ) , which the significance of death is thought to outweigh in homicide cases .
12 Conversely , the observable spectrum function has a value at wavenumber κ χ influenced by all eddies smaller than ( for reasons arising from the fact that only one-dimensional spectra can be observed .
13 Grace is claiming patents for products derived from the natural oils of neem , an evergreen tree , which are used locally for insecticides , contraceptives and soap .
14 Under Items 806.30 and 807 in the code , US firms can gain tariff exemptions for products exported from the USA , processed abroad and re-imported to the USA .
15 To be able to add this latest accreditation to what may already be a substantial collection of brandings and certifications , a vendor has to successfully complete a set of tests and checks , buy a distribution source licence for the specific OSF technology , and agree to a royalty structure for products shipped under the certification seal .
16 One sees them as judgments inflicted by the ancestors : the other views them as the consequence of the envious spleen of anti-social , perverted witches .
17 ‘ Yes , ’ Harry said , through teeth clenched against the cold and the deeper cold of fear .
18 CCG HAS won its first offshore contract with BP Exploration , a multi-million pound contract to provide quality hotel standard service for personnel involved in the hook-up of two platforms in the North Sea 's Bruce Field .
19 But since it has proved notoriously difficult for determinists to account for the emergence of new and revolutionary ideas , it would surely be wise of Althusser to show how he proposes to do it .
20 For a few months he stood on a European par with Adler and Liebknecht and tried to take responsibility for Russians interned after the Brest–Litovsk peace .
21 In addition we are still receiving enquiries about prisoners featured in the first two series in 1988 and 1989 , and we have recently received a copy of a letter from Alattin Sahin , the Turkish prisoner of conscience in the 1988 , which someone has received on his release .
22 A borehole 203 metres deep was drilled at Copper Hill , Ancaster , to establish a stratigraphical standard for strata lying between the Lincolnshire Limestone and the Lower Lias .
23 ‘ Watch out for adders basking in the sun , ’ warned John , ‘ this track is known as ‘ adders ’ path ’ . ’
24 Montagu and Duppa attacked ‘ error ’ in all its forms , whether as birds nesting inside the neglected parish church of Lancing , or too much ‘ popularising in the pulpit ’ , the hour-long sermons by Puritan clergy unwilling to toe the episcopal line .
25 A relaxed expectancy permeates the silent quarters eyes glued to sonar screens search for mines lurking on the sea floor nearby giant American battleships wait to creep in .
26 The leaflet was launched at an event for employers held at the end of June 1993 .
27 There may be a tendency for courts to err on the side of caution , and for orders to be made for the full length of time , but the recent judgement by the High Court in relation to an appeal in North Yorkshire may encourage the courts to exercise discretion with greater confidence , and take advice from the GAL .
28 Their Lordships expressed the opinion that in the absence of some exceptional circumstance such as bad faith or improper motive on the part of the Minister it was inappropriate for courts to intervene on the ground of unreasonableness in a matter of public financial administration of this kind .
29 This varied between authorities according to the complex needs and resources formulae then in operation .
30 ‘ But for clubs going from the fourth to the third sums between £50,000 and £100,000 are about the going rate so £200,000 from the second to the Premier does n't seem unlikely , ’ he said .
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