Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Because of this fundamental difference it is difficult to know whether we can rely on information about contemporaries to tell us about prehistoric peoples in the way that is often done still today and was done universally in Marx 's and Engels 's time .
2 Though it is too early for beginners to concern themselves with the relationship between musical forms and mathematics , the often surprising exactness in the relative proportions of musical sections , and even between movements , may be mentioned here .
3 Flows of assistance between generations provide us with an important example where , in practice , support is often one way , and where apparently this is regarded as quite proper .
4 The search for counter-examples led them to the history of the family and of the primitive local community which they saw as kinship based .
5 The superimposition of targets and penalties upon the GREA-based block-grant mechanism made the system very complex , whilst the uncertainties engendered by fluctuations in targets , penalties , GREAs and the like inhibited financial planning and encouraged a tendency for authorities to protect themselves by building up reserves ( Audit Commission , 1984b ; Comptroller and Auditor General , 1985 ) .
6 Since English people are also stereotyped in Ulster in various ( usually unfavourable ) ways , it was probably equally important that my mixed , but mainly Scottish , accent made it extremely difficult for subjects to fit me into any clear popular category .
7 ( Although I have twice referred to Milton myself , I did so because I was grasping for images to convey something of the reality of the Devil .
8 It was a good system for everyone except the artist , who was frequently offered a low rate for the job , then had his payment deferred , and sometimes had to battle for months to receive anything at all .
9 By the very act of reading on into the tale from the Miller 's Prologue we as readers allow ourselves to be manipulated into supposing ourselves somehow different from the readership of " " every gentil wight " " that is offered a warning and an invitation to : We know ourselves to be more complex beings .
10 But Hendry had quickly noticed that security was being beefed up , with police mingling with crowds at the Rothmans Grand Prix in Reading and the UK Championship in Preston after threats to shoot him at the table .
11 TWO escaped prisoners were back behind bars yesterday after police re-arrested them in an early morning swoop .
12 A total of 1,681 left-wing guerrillas , representing about 20 per cent of the forces of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front ( FMLN ) , reportedly handed over their weapons to members of the UN Observer Mission in El Salvador ( ONUSAL ) on June 30 in return for certificates identifying them as ex-combatants eligible for bank loans and training programmes .
13 Ways of maintaining and improving communications include : a ) establishing a management structure within the Partnership , with clear lines of communication into the schools and into employment ; b ) circulating minutes of management meetings to schools and employers so they know what is being discussed and what is being decided ; c ) bringing teachers and employers together at both Partnership and school level to plan , discuss and review the progress of the Compact ; d ) establishing School Compact Teams with regular meetings ; e ) circulating Compact documents , including such things as pupils ' Work Experience reports widely ; f ) holding Open Evenings for parents to brief them on Compact developments ; g ) producing a regular Compact Newsletter .
14 The author of Acts identifies himself as a man named Luke , and modern scholars concur that he is identical with the author of Luke 's Gospel .
15 Now , centuries later , it had decided to invite a number of experts to advise it on cosmology .
16 The lack of coins deprives us of the evidence to form any assessment of their dynastic histories or tribal boundaries .
17 Schools of beginners spend lots of time in the water at first , but who cares when it 's warm ?
18 His son , a bachelor of twenty-five , became King Henry V , and he experienced a couple of attempts to usurp him during the first year , but by August 1415 he was able to sail with an invasion fleet of 1500 vessels to France , where he withstood an attack launched on 25th .
19 The diversity of crime accounts for the unconvincing nature of attempts to explain it by all-encompassing theories .
20 Typical of artists to read nothing except what they happen upon and then to pontificate about life and art and the way the world is going .
21 I endeavoured to paint a picture of this scene , but again and again legions of midges drove me from the spot : I got a phial of essence supposed to keep them away , but alas ! in vain .
22 I loved it when a whole pile of notes met me in the morning and I did not surface till lunchtime .
23 ( When he became Chancellor of the Exchequer this practice caused consternation at the Treasury , when he used only a page of notes to assist him in moving complicated resolutions on wartime finance ; he relied successfully on his memory to provide details and figures . )
24 From there , a succession of dives fill you with awe .
25 Mozart 's fine understanding of key-schemes enabled him to build-up large-scale musical structures that were closely linked to the fast-moving action .
26 I mean it was one thing standing up in front of my own group and giving a lecture , but it was quite another kettle of kippers doing it in front of a strange class .
27 of times kissed her on the arse
28 However , the Council of Guardians re-submitted it to the Majlis on Jan. 24 , calling for revisions to be made to it .
29 The coronet is shown in loving detail as it embodies the moment when this family of merchants made it to the princely ranks .
30 It was not long before someone threw a lump of broken paving through a window ; a dozen sets of plans followed it in short order .
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