Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 Because viruses are known to be implicated in the development of certain cancers , it was natural to investigate any possible relationship between herpes infection of the cervix and cervical cancer .
2 The 10th heads of states conference of the Permanent Inter-state Committee on Drought Control in the Sahel ( CILSS ) was held on April 10-11 in Ouagadougou , Burkina .
3 And then in nineteen forty two the secretary , the very well known for a number of reasons secretary of the Hosiery Workers , his name was , he was the J P and he was er er I would n't say he 's a a pillar of the Tory Party but he were n't far off , you , well he died .
4 Supporters of the nexus of contracts model of the company go further , seeking to deprive the ‘ problem ’ of weak shareholder control even of its status as a problem , and thereby to legitimate the replacement of control by means of shareholder democracy with control through markets .
5 Lowell parked the van just off Queens Road , within a couple of minutes walk of the City Museum and Art Gallery .
6 Temporal periodicity is fairly self-evident It is the number of times part of the display cycles from light to dark to light again in each second .
7 Whereas at the first level there may be a number of words representative of the typical sentential context ( say 10% ) , beyond this point each of the definition words is in itself polysemous , involving further unrelated sense definitions .
8 ( b ) View W to Snowdon ( 3560ft ) ; NW to the Glyders ( 3279ft ) and Tryfan ( 3010ft ) just top the right of them ; N to Penyrhelgi-du ( 2733ft ) , NE over the chain of lakes N of the Llugwy Valley ; ENE to the Clwydian Range ( 181ft ) ; E over Llyn Elsi Reservoir and the hills near Betws-y-coed ; SE to the Arenigs ( 2810ft ) and Berwyn ( 2712ft ) ; SSE to Dolwyddelan Castle ( immediately below ) ; S to the Rhinogs ( 2362ft ) .
9 The Soule has as its axis the Gave de Mauléon , which flows pretty precisely through the middle of it , though dividing into a number of tributaries south of the province 's one real town , of Mauléon .
10 The Shah shared much of Behbehanians suspicion of the British , But now in Aswan , he did not seem to be greatly in favour of Behbehanians suggestion that he throw himself in their mercy .
11 If Scotland is to maintain the highest level of research capability to match that of universities south of the Border , then research money must follow quality as judged by the same standards throughout the UK ( however imperfect these measurements are ) .
12 The title of Sports Reporter of the Year went to Oliver Holt of the Liverpool Daily Post and Martin Birchall of sister paper the Liverpool Echo took the title of Photographer of the Year .
13 The jury was told that inside the house police found what they called an LSD factory capable of producing millions of pounds worth of the drug .
14 Our choice of ‘ aware ’ , as a philosophically uncorrupted word which can help us to approach philosophical problems from a different angle , does have something to do with its recent currency in the valuations of ordinary discourse , as when someone is said to apply abstract principles without being aware of other people as persons , or to have lost by too exclusive concentration on the uses of things awareness of the colours of dawn and the scent of the flowers .
15 The Postmaster General , the Earl de la Warr ( Eton and Oxford ) , did n't think an interest in or knowledge of communications part of the job requirements .
16 Mocking Mrs Thatcher 's claim that Conservative policies had achieved an economic miracle , Mr Kinnock said after 10 years with oil revenues not enjoyed by any of Britain 's competitors , the country had 2 million unemployed , the highest inflation , highest interest rates and biggest balance of payments deficit of the industrialised countries .
17 New figures show that the number of apprentices north of the Border has fallen from 13,600 in March 1981 to 6,300 in March 1990 .
18 On Feb. 16 more than 5,000 people took part in a protest march to the Moslem cemetery where victims of police action of the previous week were buried .
19 This idea inspired knights from France to flock to the assistance of the struggling Christian kingdoms in northern Spain ; but there was clearly a nice distinction between the attitude of men north of the Pyrenees , who regarded the Muslim as the wicked infidel , as cattle for the slaughter , and the Christians who had lived among them in Spain and who regarded them as misguided fellow-humans .
20 The World Wide Fund for Nature has launched a campaign to end the trade in rhinoceros products , against a background of reports warning of the imminent extinction of three species of the animal .
21 Whether the aircraft is on the required track within the acceptable limits depends on the number of dots deflection of the L/R pointer .
22 As a result of a decision of the conference of Ministers President of the Länder held in Munich in December 1990 , the Bundesrat on March 1 , 1991 , decided to create its own commission on constitutional reform , to consider constitutional changes as required by Article 5 of the treaty of unification [ see p. 37832 ] .
23 In the case of instruments proof of the accused 's intent when entering the building with the instrument would be required , i.e. was the instrument only used to gain entry ( no entry ) or was it used to intimidate or to steal goods ?
24 Helped by a couple of purchases north of the Border , the chain has grown from 130 at the beginning of 1992 to 209 now , with operating profits leaping from just £700,000 in 1991 to £4.9 million last year .
25 In the postulated series of events breach of the endothelial barrier would expose sub-endothelial smooth muscle cells and connective tissue to plasma constituents including lipoproteins , platelets and macrophage-type mononuclear cells ( Harker & Ross , 1979 ) .
26 But how did such migrants ever learn that there was better weather at the other end of the globe or that hundreds of miles north of the African savannahs , for a few months , abundant food was to be had .
27 Jean-Yves Furic 's Bénéteau First 45f5 , Cap Sogea , the lead-keeled version of the striking Pininfarina-styled Farr-designed cruiser-racer , has been awarded the Midnight Cup for CHS yacht of the year 1990 and has been awarded the Cowland Trophy for consistently high performances .
28 A serious contender for Vibes album of the year .
29 Using a silicone gun , apply an even bead of silicone along edges A–B of the base .
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