Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun pl] [verb] over " in BNC.

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1 On one hand , therefore , McElroy is preparing for private companies to take over the reigns of the weather craft ; on the other , he is inviting other countries to become involved in what could be a link only between governments .
2 Watch out , too , for Scottish crossbills flying over and the distinctive little crested tits in the pines .
3 Dragons can lie for dark centuries brooding over their treasures , bedding down on frozen flames that will never see the light of day .
4 At least it does so in regions of ancient written culture like Europe , where the same names for ethnic groups persist over long periods , even though they may describe quite different and changing social realities .
5 Gulls the size of light aeroplanes flap over litter bins , joggers reeking of anti-perspirant run backwards , and a bunch of people who look like the original Haight Ashbury hippy collective play conga drums and saxophones in the distance , blowing a surreal note on a balmy breeze .
6 The Society of Free Fishermen took over the interests of Newhaven and continued to look after the port for the next two centuries .
7 They were because he could n't get a pair of ordinary shoes to fit over his infected and frost-bitten feet from four months described as ‘ the nastiest of my life . ’
8 As American banks retrench , they will corner almost all the profitable business at home , leaving Europeans and a handful of Japanese banks to fight over deals that are either unprofitable or too risky to be of interest .
9 The idea of tiny changes cumulated over many steps is an immensely powerful idea , capable of explaining an enormous range of things that would be otherwise inexplicable .
10 Here at last was the starting point for a science that would attempt to explain the present state of the earth and its inhabitants in terms of natural processes acting over long periods of time .
11 The Faculty also offers a range of vocational courses taken over one or two years in subjects such as Architecture ( DipArch ) , Education ( MEd ) , Landscape Architecture ( MLA ) , Nursing Studies ( MSc ) and Social Work ( MSW ) .
12 One might be surprised to find a series of long letters extending over many weeks on Ossian and the Clyde .
13 There was a shout from outside the wire and the sound of heavy boots running over packed snow .
14 The remaining forms of severe handicaps extend over a wide range of mental and physical disabilities caused by an even wider range of genetic factors , infections and diseases affecting the normal reproductory process .
15 Tass confirmed the report of armoured vehicles running over students , saying demonstrators were killed by the personnel carriers .
16 Dealing with wireless every day , Joe rarely listened when off duty to accounts of small successes put over in the announcer 's authoritative tone and the defeats intoned as if reporting a death : which it was , though not a single death , such as when Tobruk had fallen in June and Mussolini went into Libya .
17 The main force of level bombers passed over to 6 8,000 feet virtually unchallenged , their bombs crashing down on Luqa where six Wellingtons were burnt out ( R1247 , 1381 , 1382 , 1383 , 1384 of 148 Squadron , plus the sole remaining aircraft of 70 Squadron detachment , T2816 ) and seven more badly damaged , as were several Marylands .
18 We had examples of other parents won over into trusting school staff and giving truthful instead of cosmetic reasons for the child 's absence — but keeping the child off , nonetheless , for reasons peripheral to the child ( such as ‘ going with granny to collect her pension ’ ) .
19 Skeins of brent geese flew over .
20 He looked around from force of habit , but the spooks from the Mukhabarat were too disorganized and demoralized to pay any attention to a couple of middle-aged men crouched over a whisky .
21 If mind itself has a social origin — if , that is , it arises through the process of communication — and if thinking consists at bottom in the manipulation of generalized attitudes taken over from the social group as a whole , then there can be no question of the social determination , in some sense , of knowledge and thought .
22 He presents the stories of each community , first as they reacted to invasion and conquest , then as they were treated a couple of centuries later as white settlers took over their lands , and , finally , how the few surviving descendants of these once-proud people are faring today .
23 Clouds like brassy cauliflowers form over the steel-blue blades of the distant mountain range that borders the plain .
24 A lorry rolled past us along the road , its crumbling body bright with painted pictures plastered over with dust .
25 It is the detailed , etched pictures that really tell the tale ; the text serves to reinforce the story but suggests rather than dictates the plot , with different monkeys taking over as narrator .
26 Spitefulness , mental cruelty and crimes of violence are all to do with negative emotions spilling over .
27 On bad days he was frantic , with black bristles sprouting over his face , screaming shrilly so that he was quite incomprehensible .
28 In these , males are much larger than females and take much longer to sexually mature - perhaps the result of the increased time spent in competition with other males to take over a group of females .
29 A long-line jacket with tapered trousers skims over any figure flaws .
30 For full details see over the page .
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