Example sentences of "[prep] [indef pn] who [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 Your ma probably worked here same as everybody else and fell for somebody who let her down , and that 's all there is to it .
2 As one who knew her and her husband only a little , I remember her as a vivacious lady of beauty and charm who worked throughout her life for many good causes .
3 Therese had explained the rule here that a girl must either accept to dance with everyone who asked her or not get up at all .
4 The best thing at the moment was to be with someone who admired her and was kind .
5 Bathsheba could not remain angry for long with someone who admired her as much as he obviously did .
6 from somebody who phoned her over two years ago
7 There was something in Mrs Maugham 's solid air of conscious rectitude that threw a faint shadow of guilt over everyone who approached her , though as often as not people did not know why they were guilty : her disapprovals were so vast and public , her approvals so private and ill-chartered that all immediately cast themselves as goats in the discrimination of her gaze .
8 Throughout her ordeal , Flora 's spirit and character endeared her to everyone who met her until she was released under the Act of Indemnity in 1747 .
9 It must have been a relief to everyone who knew her when , in 1414 , she started from Yarmouth on her pilgrimage to the Holy Land .
10 To everyone who made her feel welcome and very much part of our fellowship , may I say how much I appreciate you all .
11 Or talk to anyone who saw her on one of the nights when she was worth seeing , and ask them what it was like .
12 She tiptoed up the stairs , wondering what she would say to anyone who saw her .
13 Even so , he admitted ruefully , she looked more alluring than any woman he knew , little blonde included , and there was that peculiar innocence that was so astonishing to anyone who knew her .
14 Despite extensive training , administered nationally , her services were free to anyone who needed her .
15 Sometime that August of 1983 , police think she was picked up by someone who strangled her and dumped her body in a wood on the edge of the Blenheim estate in Oxfordshire .
16 and one lady was told by someone who kissed her first , first kiss , said to her , she was just a natural
17 You will realise that words of comfort like this can solve no problems for her ; they can do no more than bathe the wound she has sustained , but she will be badly in need of something to cling on to and because they are spoken by someone who loves her they may be exactly what she wants to hear when she is trying to reassemble herself and face the future .
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