Example sentences of "[prep] [indef pn] [v-ing] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This will vary greatly between someone reading a novel on a train and someone reading it as part of the study for a PhD thesis .
2 A quick but careful briefing would , in most cases , prevent incidents such as someone lifting a wing without first checking that the other wing will not come down on to another glider 's canopy .
3 We have talked in this book about the bereaved person 's need to talk and be recognized as someone having a mourning role , but if few people know us anyway , they are less likely to be aware of the major change in our life and we are less likely to feel able to talk to them about it .
4 He wrote as someone perceiving a breakthrough .
5 I think the sorry , Bill , the erm confusion arises because we 're talking about warranties and insurance and most people buying a car , getting extended insurance or one of these insurance schemes , will assume it 's warranty , but there 's no protection for somebody issuing a warranty going out of business .
6 We followed the tweed skirt into a kitchen where its owner motioned us to sit , in the manner of someone training a dog .
7 Quickly he led them to a table , produced menus and wine , but deep in her despairing heart Alex was convinced that it was the surprise of someone seeing a customer who had already been in once that evening .
8 Our image of the typical newspaper reader in Britain has to be that of someone reading a tabloid , not a highbrow quality paper .
9 The BBC 's pre-war conception of the audience had been more like that of someone reading a book — a deliberate and solitary or individual habit , though it may be done in company — than of a collective social entity .
10 OVER the years I have learned to stop wincing at the description of someone having a drink problem .
11 They produced a file which they said was his and took out of it an indistinct , green photograph of someone carrying a parcel .
12 And I see he read Modern Languages , ’ said the Bishop with the complacency of someone making a sound inference , ‘ which would doubtless be a help to him . ’
13 The B-side 's ‘ Kitchen Mix ’ starts with the sound of someone making a cup of tea .
14 ‘ The idea of someone performing a song and being made out to be a god or whatever … it 's very strange .
15 to think of somebody paying a fortune for a
16 Current age , twenty five , the likelihood of somebody having a heart attack or developing cancer before sixty five , heart attack one in ten males , one in thirty nine females , cancer one in ten males , one in ten females .
17 Marcus , putting his hands upon the board at the foot , moved the bed slightly on its casters , moving it gently to and fro with a movement as of one rocking a cradle .
18 As a gentle reminder that women play , watch and have served cricket , Dr Andrew has included an old photograph of one holding a bat .
19 Peter Yeo , who had personally persuaded Barton of the presentational disadvantage of using words like ‘ darkies ’ , ‘ niggers ’ or ‘ wogs ’ , decided that ‘ immigrants ’ even though used in the manner of one invoking a curse , was as good as he was going to get with this particular client .
20 ‘ They are good workers , ’ said El-Gharbi , with the air of one making a concession .
21 Charities equally look south , either with the eyes of one beholding a feast or of those deprived of a seat at the table .
22 Ever heard of anyone stealing a Grandfather , an England Goalkeeper worth £31 , a four-birth tent , a navel telescope or a Bathoven music book ?
23 The label is awkward as it is also used loosely of anything inspiring a sense of inexplicable awe and mystery , however vaguely , or anyone thus moved .
24 At first it was n't too bad but soon his finger was prodding right inside her and that hurt , a sharp , squeaky sort of pain like someone drawing a fingernail across a sheet of plastic .
25 He could touch — he could caress — Meh'Lindi in this murderous alien guise like someone stroking a kitten , as though he was absolved from the normal punctilios of duty and common sense .
26 His eyes were fixed , like someone watching a flow of water across a weir .
27 The notion of pastiche is now a guiding thread in critical discourse , to the extent that Palandri 's novel can be put forward as ‘ a disturbing attempt to write a kitsch novel ’ ( De Michelis 1986a ) , and the argument be made — — referring to Piersanti 's Charles — that no novelist born in the 1950s can return to ‘ traditional narrative ’ without being aware that he/she is ‘ holding an old toy which might look fine in an antique shop , or might be an ornament or a collector 's item , but is no good for playing with any more ’ ; if they do use it ( but why should they if it is no use any more ? ) , it is with a mixture of pleasure and melancholy , ‘ like someone repeating a game which once gave pleasure for years and years and now gives none , only the memory of the joy it once gave ’ ( De Michelis 1986b ) .
28 Perhaps , if Pascoe had n't arrived , she would have gone first to her knees , then sat down , her tongue out like dead meat , with Zeno kneeling up behind her using his hands like someone binding a bale .
29 At last a smile began to pull at the folds in Sir Charles 's face , as if his cheeks really were wallets and his smile was going through them , looking for cash , then the smile turned to laughter , it pushed between his teeth , it was dry and rhythmic , it sounded uncannily like someone counting a stack of dollar bills .
30 Like someone pushing a meat market barrow in the direction of Smithfield . ’
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