Example sentences of "[prep] [n mass] and [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It can be used at both small and large scale , in the construction of aircraft and in the architecture of their vast shelters , hangars , stadia and the like .
2 ( It is worthy of note at this stage that Harris never received his full complement of aircraft and in the final days of the Bomber Offensive his maximum strength of first line aircraft was only 1,625 of which 200 were Mosquitos , ) in one of my Staff College lectures .
3 Owing to local trading circumstances , goods were sold by the head office to the public at a fixed mark-up on cost of 25% and by the branch to the public at a fixed mark-up on cost of 20% .
4 If X died leaving an estate of £1,150,000 and under the variation £150,000 went to the children and £1M to the widow and subsequently ( not as part of a preordained scheme ) the £1M was transferred to the children and the widow survived the normal seven years , no inheritance tax would be payable .
5 Approaches to members of staff and to the company 's premises , customers and suppliers will not be permitted at this stage .
6 Have you noticed that you are becoming increasingly aware of people and of the message they are conveying ?
7 Author of The Making of a Counterculture argues for an ‘ ecopschology ’ that reconciles the needs of people and of the planet .
8 You are dealing with the lives of people and under the microscope every day . ’
9 Led by Lt Fusata Iida they flew in at a height of 50ft and within a few minutes the airfield was a smoking mess .
10 The fight with Tucker , in the meantime , will earn Lewis a contractually agreed 80 per cent of £6m and with a clause in the agreement which gives him and his management access to the courts if King indulges in the questionable manoeuvres for which he is not unknown .
11 But he found there was nothing academic about dealing with people and with the unions , because ‘ established institutions have their dogmas and their attitudes are frozen rigid . ’
12 Attributes are frequently identified during data analysis when entities are being identified , but most come later , particularly in detailed interviews with staff and in the analysis of documents .
13 The two major causes of death in children hospitalised with measles and in the community settings were respiratory and diarrhoeal disease .
14 The trees at Orchard Croft Fruit Farm in Putley , Herefordshire , are weighed down with fruit and for the pickers , it 's a race to take the apples from the branches before the fruit falls .
15 Observation of behaviour is no longer enough , for the cognitive processes of transactions between people and within a person are also essential topics for an ethologist 's exploration .
16 However , three of the examples quoted suggest that the alternatives are not mutually exclusive , and that it is quite possible for a person to be concerned both for people and for the task , for example .
17 car parking for staff and for the public
18 Together with snoopers in aircraft and on the ground , these satellites helped form a picture of Iraq 's command and control network and air defences .
19 Trading profits at the hotels halved to £75m and at the restaurants profits fell 15 p.c. to £63m .
20 There are plans to make shares available to staff and to a group of sponsors headed by Die Zeit 's literary editor Fritz Raddatz .
21 He has a very sympathetic approach to people and to the problems that people have .
22 They tell readers what to think and supply ready-printed letters to send to MPs and to the Chancellor of the Exchequer stating , for example , that an extension of VAT ‘ would mean misery for me and my family ’ , etc .
23 Earnings per share in the third quarter rose from 17.4p to 18.77p and for the nine months from 45.82p to 48.84p .
24 Earnings per share in the third quarter rose from 17.4p to 18.77p and for the nine months from 45.82p to 48.84p .
25 Follow the tarmac road opposite for 70yds and at the right hand bend turn left into the fields .
26 This power station construction programme absorbed the greater part of their capital budgets , as well as a good deal of management time both at headquarters and in the divisions .
27 Flying at 2,000mph and at an altitude of 80,000ft crews often saw more of the world in one day than most people see in their lifetime .
28 Taking first the retirement pension of a single person at £52 and of a couple at £83.25 , the single person 's pension as a percentage of the couple 's pension is 62 per cent .
29 In 1740 Britain exported about £0.7m. to North America and about the same amount to the West Indies , but twenty years later the West Indies took £1m. and the mainland took £2m. , while imports from the West Indies ran at £1.8m. and from the mainland at £0.6m .
30 Prices for the cottages start at £35,000 and for the estates at £85,000 .
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