Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] she [vb mod] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 A whole week in Paris at Easter seemed to her something for which she would willingly have sold her soul .
2 After one stunned instant , for which she could hardly blame him , he reacted with admirable promptitude .
3 So she knew that in the few years since she had last been in England great changes had begun to take place from some of which she might clearly benefit .
4 It was a turn of the screw of which she could never have dreamt herself capable .
5 ‘ And that from an Aussie ? ’ she was startled into answering , then went pink when he gave her a look of what she could only describe as approval .
6 The frustration of what she could only identify as love for him , plus the fact that she 'd given herself to him so completely , mixed with her suspicion that he was still using her in some way to further his own undisclosed purposes , had engendered a turmoil of emotions within her , among which , she was ashamed and horrified to realise , lurked a certain impulse to exercise violence on his person .
7 In a way she hoped he had not and yet , on the other hand , she believed the news would have made his final days very happy , however heinous the deceit with which she would always have to live .
8 Though she wanted to run , she forced herself to walk , with what she could only hope was regal grace , past Matthew and out of the confines of that cupboard .
9 But , he favoured her with what she could only perceive as a reassuring smile when , ‘ I 'm on my way to Mariánské Láznë myself , ’ he commented easily , ‘ so that 's one problem you can forget . ’
10 He could imagine the words in which she would later report to her husband .
11 The result was that when Bollaert finally made his speech on 10 September it was obvious that , for all the rhetoric and for all the idealization of the French Union , if it was independence that France was offering , it was so heavily circumscribed as to make it obvious that France had , at most , transferred the Jacobin concept of ‘ the nation one and indivisible ’ to a French Union in which she would still be in a commanding position .
12 She had experienced mounting terror at the thought of a new role in which she would certainly prove a failure — a woman who could not do her work , could not save her father , could not love her mother , could not satisfy her man , was most unlikely to make any sort of mother .
13 The chill of the eternal wind caused Gallois to attack the temporal culture in which no woman admits her age , in which she can never in public admit any exceptional or painful feeling .
14 She , who had always helped lame dogs , now refused the many helping hands that were held out to her , because they only hauled her back , temporarily , into a life of comfort from which she would later have to return to reality .
15 But he stood there watching until the little car had disappeared , as though Ellen were setting off on a long and dangerous journey from which she might never return .
16 Alone again , Belinda returned to her original plan and successfully reached the chair in the corner of the room , from which she could quietly observe the other guests without too much fear of attracting attention .
17 In the exercise of his power of arrest , it was perfectly proper for the constable to have taken into account that ‘ there was a greater likelihood … that Mrs Mohammed-Holgate would respond truthfully to questions about her connection with or knowledge of the burglary , if she were questioned under arrest at the police station , than if , without arresting her , questions were put to her … at her own home from which she could peremptorily order [ him ] to depart at any moment ’ .
18 She is imprisoned within massive earthen walls from which she can never escape for her body is far too big to get through the passages that lead to it .
19 Laura had many principles over which she would never compromise , one of which was the importance of giving each guest or employee a room of his or her own ; even two women would never be expected to share .
20 Each member of her family and each of her close friends will have different strengths upon which she will need to draw , and together you should try to form a bridge over which she can gradually cross from the barren wasteland of her sorrow back into society where her new role awaits her .
21 First , the original client shows up on a plane of existence to which she would never normally have access .
22 Yet they may have made no effort to give her anywhere she can go to , having allocated a large bedroom to one of their small children and relegated her to the tiniest bedroom in the house , to which she can never withdraw unless she actually gets into bed .
23 Ask closed questions , to which she can only say ‘ yes ’ or ‘ no ’ , eg ‘ Do you like the wooden handles ? ’
24 The Prime Minister announced on Nov. 26 that some months earlier the Queen had asked him to consider the basis on which she might voluntarily pay tax on her personal income and also take responsibility for certain payments to additional members of the royal family ; the Prince of Wales had made a similar request with regard to the Duchy of Cornwall .
25 It is a situation which poses an insoluble problem for the Monarch , since there is by definition no common organ of consent and consequently no responsible ministerial advice on which she can constitutionally act .
26 And then he left her alone , climbing the wooden stairs to what she would later learn were his own makeshift quarters on the floor above .
27 She was embarking on what she would always regard as the pleasantest years of her life .
28 I called home and spoke to my then seven-year-old daughter who had been rehearsed by her grandparents about what she should appropriately say .
29 And then again , ignorance er , at what she should subsequently have done er , then took over because she did n't realise that by having had er made contact with an individual erm it was necessary for her to report the matter to the police and she just did n't realise that that was something that she should have done .
30 There she found herself ensconced in a huge grey suede and chrome armchair , clutching a hefty measure of Scotch , and staring blankly around at what she could only assume to be the ‘ minimalist ’ style of interior decoration .
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