Example sentences of "[prep] [be] made for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that there is no case to be made for taxpayers ' money being used to prop up Boris Yeltsin , who will turn out to be the David Owen of Russia ?
2 There is therefore a case to be made for softening of some , if not all , the process water .
3 It is merely a rough guide to the general sentencing levels that this court feels is appropriate , and allowance needs to be made for inconsistency on the part of the Court of Appeal itself ( Thomas , 1993 ) , plus the considerable ‘ latitude ’ which is normally allowed before it will interfere with a sentence passed by the Crown Court .
4 Allowance would also have to be made for depreciation ( estimates of equipment life vary , but 10 years is a reasonable average ) and interest on capital .
5 The legislation provides for separate calculations to be made for England and Wales .
6 From this a deduction has to be made for knife sharpening and shields , about 4d a week … the women suffer greatly from chronic asthma … and by the acids with which the Colonial skins are cleaned .
7 Special provisions were to be made for agriculture and fisheries .
8 No provision is to be made for liabilities to pay interest [ on loans not to be taken over by the purchaser ] ( v ) Full provision will be made for future rentals and other property costs on the Scottish warehouse lease
9 An allowance is to be made for variations between firms or sectors in the propensity to patent .
10 Some special provision has to be made for depositors who are nominees or trustees .
11 He also ordered a gold shrine to be made for St Edith at Wilton which required the skills of three goldsmiths , while Westminster Abbey received an arm of St Cyriacus , bought for 100 marks and clad in gold and silver .
12 Again , however , a definition of modulus whether secant or tangent , together with the strain at which it is measured , needs to be made for comparison between the results of different workers .
13 The Jews ' special characteristics derive from the religion which was given to them by Moses , which stressed one God who was invisible and would not allow images of Himself to be made for worship .
14 Government claims on waiting lists were also substantiated , although allowance has to be made for reductions achieved clerically rather than clinically .
15 Distribution of 386 elective seats* Hungarian Democratic Forum ( HDF or MDF ) 164 Alliance of Free Democrats ( SzDSz ) 92 Independent Smallholders ' Party ( FKgP ) 44 Hungarian Socialist Party ( HSP or MSZP ) 33 League of Young Democrats ( FIDESZ ) 21 Christian Democratic People 's Party 21 Independents 6 Joint candidates 4 Agrarian Alliance 1 * In addition to the 386 elected deputies , provision was reportedly to be made for representatives of the minorities living in Hungary ( the Croatians , Germans , Romany gypsies , Jews , Romanians , Serbs , Slovaks , and Slovenes ) each to take up one seat .
16 This aided the addition of the extension and although there were times when temporary arrangements had to be made for stairs and counter , the library stayed open almost completely through the alterations .
17 The contractor 's system should allow cost/value comparisons to be made for parts of the project rather than for the project as a whole .
18 What provision is to be made for access to the building ?
19 It was not to be , for although we were all keyed up like first violins , having heard Churchill 's great ‘ Their finest hour ’ speech on June 15th with les soldats Francaises listening as well , Whitehall had decided that better arrangements had to be made for children than care in one of the best London hospitals .
20 But exceptions have had to be made for words like prie-Dieu ( prayer-stool ) , which will remain without an x in the plural so as to avoid blasphemous implications .
21 The system was required under the UK Financial Services Act ( FSA ) to enable an audit trail to be made for trades transacted in London — and hence its use is compulsory for London based secondary market traders who are members of ISMA .
22 Some teachers did say that time ought to be made for SSE but many raised doubts about whether such time would be well spent .
23 Pending the finalisation of the selection scheme additional applications have had to be made for approval of an interim scheme for entry in 1992/93 and a developed scheme for 1993/94 .
24 The premises from which the prediction is derived will include the interconnected statements that constitute the theory under test , initial conditions such as previous positions of the planet and sun , auxiliary assumptions such as those enabling corrections to be made for refraction of light from the planet in the earth 's atmosphere , and so on .
25 Provision needed to be made for dowager widows , and for younger sons and for daughters , and perhaps for other persons .
26 Estimates are not too easy , because the only useful comparison stars — Procyon , Aldebaran and Rigel — are always at different altitudes , and allowance has to be made for extinction ( that is to say , the dimming of a low-altitude star due to the Earth 's atmosphere ) .
27 ‘ There is a case to be made for asceticism … ’
28 Opportunities need to be made for individuals to develop good working relationships with others from the different agencies , at all levels from grass-roots workers to senior managers .
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