Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Or words to that effect , right , and I realize that you have to think , think carefully in order to make the right choice , because it 's got ta be right for you and it 's also got ta be right for the property , alright ?
2 trying to tell them that they they must of course need in fact to spend two and a half thousand pound on a full page in a medical practice booklet er for two years , you 've got ta be punchy on the phone have n't you Trevor ?
3 And I often say that young ladies who are looking over their shoulder like this , you 've got ta be careful of the neck because when they turn round and look over their shoulder you get creases in the neck , and there is a slight crease in the neck there but most of it has been disguised by covering it with her hair , so look out for that when you have a young lady , or anybody , looking over their shoulder , particularly with young ladies , when they look over their shoulder like that it does cause creases in the side of the neck which can be unsightly .
4 erm , the one thing that I thought was under person who is who is talking he 's got ta be I think he 's got ta be firm so that the person understands that erm that what is required but he 's also got ta be fair at the same time has n't he ?
5 The fact is that any so called sport which involves the exhaustion , distress and eventual death of an animal has got to be obscene in the eyes of any human being .
6 But that is a very different matter from the exegetically unjustified expedient adopted by some modern students of mission , of divorcing the Spirit from Jesus , evading the scandal of his particularity , and attributing to the Spirit 's agency whatever seems to them to be admirable in the beliefs and practice of other faiths .
7 The prevalence rate of hypercholesterolaemia in diabetics has been reported to be similar to the non-diabetic population , that is from 8 per cent to as high as 52 per cent ( Hayes , 1972 ) .
8 The teeth also were found to be similar to the condition described after 29 months weathering : for a sample of 31 teeth , 25.8 per cent were split ( Fig. 1.6A , B ) and 9.7 per cent were chipped ( Fig. 1.6E ) ; 34.8 per cent of the incisors were broken .
9 In fact , our ‘ middle-class ’ witches appear to be similar to the Canaanites ( see p. 56 ) , whom God roundly condemned .
10 The formula on offer by the company last night is said to be similar to the rejected package but with slightly better redundancy terms .
11 Wimpey refused to quantify the additional charge it has taken for its involvement in the Channel Tunnel project , but it is thought to be similar to the £8 million announced by its fellow Chunnel contractor , Balfour Beatty , recently .
12 At the same time similar surveys have been conducted in Ipswich and Cambridge , and although these results are not fully confirmed , their respective county councils state that their findings are likely to be similar to the findings from Essex .
13 Indeed action would seem to be necessary for the input systems to function properly : the role of eye-movements in vision being the most obvious case .
14 There is no neurophysiological model of the kind of convergence that would seem to be necessary for the many different sensations of the moment to be brought into synthetic unity , without loss of their individual distinctiveness and specificity , into the instantaneous sense of ‘ being here ’ ; or of the manner in which experience of many different moments can be synthesized into a sense of continuing self without those moments losing their separateness in memory .
15 Although the courts do not refuse in principle to review the exercise of police discretionary powers , they do nevertheless exercise a great deal of caution and restraint to such a degree that it is difficult to see how in practice the principles of judicial review are capable of being used to challenge decisions to issue warrants where these are considered to be necessary for the prevention or detection of crime .
16 That agriculture has to be shown to be necessary for the viability of Article 3(5) areas is stated in the House of Commons ' Agriculture Committee 's 1982 Report which also states that such areas must have a low or declining population , the exact opposite of the view given by MAFF ) .
17 Trade with Russia might survive if the Muscovy Company went out of business , but it was not easy to imagine that trade with Hudson Bay ( with all that it did for London furriers and re-exporters ) could continue if the Company lost its trading rights , and the Royal African Company was believed to be necessary for the slave trade until the 1690s , and the East India Company kept its position in trade with India for over a century after that .
18 The authors conclude that additional genetic or environmental factors are likely to be necessary for the development of type II diabetes , consistent with the very high concordance rate for type II diabetes observed in monozygotic twins .
19 However , additional genetic or environmental factors leading to more severely impaired β cell function are likely to be necessary for the development of non-insulin dependent diabetes .
20 It has to provide the financial resources for at least a minimum number of services — defence , roads , education , income support , etc. — which are generally deemed to be necessary for the survival of any modern society .
21 The interactions of NC protein with genomic RNA and the tRNA Lys , 3 primer appear to be necessary for the production of infectious viral particles .
22 It will require some things that are going to be necessary for the statutory and voluntary sectors in any case and it will mean drawing the private sector in , like a common assessment policy for all long term care .
23 Any time after the presentation of a petition and before the making of a bankruptcy order , the court can , if it is shown to be necessary for the protection of the debtor 's property , appoint the official receiver to be interim receiver ( s 286(1) ) .
24 Partly because of this distinction in favour of processions at common law , it was seen to be necessary for the police to be given statutory powers to control potentially disruptive processions ( but not meetings ) in the Public Order Act 1936 .
25 In view of the consents that are likely to be necessary for the transfer of assets , there will almost certainly have to be such a period .
26 Such human needs will range from the basic ones for security , which are threatened when other members of an organization wish to close part of the operation down or attempt to perform the same operations with fewer personnel , to the need for self-realization , which may be threatened by extreme specialization and limited capabilities within the division of labour perceived by those in authority to be necessary for the maximization of their objectives ( which will invariably be presented as the goals of ‘ the organization ’ ) .
27 The C-terminal portion of region 1 , poorly conserved in the related IE proteins of the α-herpesviruses , was also included in our expressed peptide ; the role played by these additional residues is not fully understood but deletion analysis on the 140k DNA binding domain found them to be necessary for the production of a clear DNase I footprint but not for binding in gel retardation assays ( see below ) .
28 The central functions required to service the large mainframes are no longer perceived to be necessary on the scale they once were with the development of distributed end-user computing and communications , and a generation of users who are not only ‘ literate ’ but competent technically .
29 The sub-sections below list some of the typical operations likely to be necessary to the production of each of the products listed in 3.6 above .
30 For example , a term prohibiting making a back-up copy in a pre-1993 agreement will not be made invalid by reason of the changes brought about by the regulations even if the making of a back-up copy is deemed to be necessary to the lawful use of the program .
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