Example sentences of "[prep] [art] quite [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The " experience of men of our race and culture " in fact stands for the quite narrow culture of which the report itself forms a part .
2 Certainly the historical evidence as a whole gives little support for the quite widespread belief that older people in the past enjoyed a much more secure and respected position than they do in the present .
3 First , the collection of data depends heavily on published financial accounts which are produced for the quite different purpose of minimising company taxation , with corresponding differences in the definition of capital .
4 But it is an argument for the quite different model of moral obligation which I have suggested in this section .
5 ‘ Taylorism ’ is seen as the quite self-conscious pursuit of what Braverman calls the ‘ general law of the capitalist division of labour ’ , according to which
6 The main point of potential confusion , however , arises because of the quite distinct meaning attached to the term ‘ social division of labour ’ by modern Marxist writers .
7 I wonder , he 's no doubt aware of the quite serious problems facing the South Wales police and the funding of the local authorities of the police .
8 First , no one doubts that papal letters from all the popes to whom the forgeries are attributed existed at Canterbury in 1070 and much earlier : they formed part of the quite substantial archival and literary remains which survived the fire of 1067 .
9 The picture of the seminarian reminds us too of the quite amazing increase of vocations in most of the young churches .
10 This became the necessary London correspondent and support of the quite prosperous Taylors & Lloyds .
11 Many of the quite commonplace products of modern technology might as well be magic , for all that any normal person could be expected to understand how they work .
12 In the light of the quite different issue which was before the House in Gillick 's case I venture to doubt whether Lord Scarman meant more than that the exclusive right of the parents to consent to treatment terminated , but I may well be wrong .
13 It can be seen that in terms of the formal equations it is possible to make some juncture , but in so doing it is also possible to lose sight of the quite different perspectives from which they derive .
14 For much of the period overmanning was absorbed at the cost of lower absolute levels of productivity ( despite the quite good record in terms of productivity growth ) , and the full extent of the burden was not revealed until the late 1970s as international competition drove sectors of British industry to the point of collapse [ Prais , 1981 ] .
15 In intellectual terms the predominant note of the revival was undoubtedly counter-revolutionary , despite the quite influential presence of Catholic ‘ liberals ’ and modernizers in many lands .
16 Historically , as we have seen , the country has been rent by various upheavals , sometimes of a quite violent nature .
17 Taken in conjunction with Cox 's findings , these results are frequently quoted , even in the recent literature , as strong evidence , not merely against the idea that creativity and psychosis are connected , but actually in support of a quite contrary view : that high ability somehow militates against serious mental disorder .
18 Instead royal power passed now to Alhred , a representative , according to the Anglian genealogies , of a quite separate line of descent from Ida though the way one annalist observes that Alhred was said by some to be of the lineage of Ida implies that he was regarded by others as an intruder into the kingship ( see Appendix , Fig. 9 ) .
19 The makings of a quite substantial tomato salad mystique are scattered around waiting to be gathered up by some enterprising buyer who will get the produce flown in from Barcelona or Marseilles , Naples , Valencia or even possibly from Portugal , where the tomatoes are as good and plentiful as anywhere in Mediterranean lands .
20 Research methods will be appropriate for gathering case-study material and will include interviews , observations and questionnaires of a quite limited nature .
21 What is also becoming clear , nevertheless , is that there is considerable diver- gence , in some instances of a quite marked kind , In state practice .
22 However , it should be clear that Nizan 's refusal of complicity with his fictional characters is the result of a quite deliberate choice of narrative technique .
23 True , all acts of government policy create a presumption that they will remain in force and are an invitation to the citizen to adapt his private behaviour accordingly ; but the tendency of decisions in the social service field to create vested interests is of a quite peculiar order .
24 As always , the music is as carefully constructed as the words — Newman 's grasp of the basics of popular song has been amazingly consistent from his orchestrated debut in 1968 through the height of his popularity with the brilliant Little Criminals to this , the latest jewel in the crown of a quite exceptional body of work .
25 He was a member of a quite superlative class , one that has stuck in the memory of Gedge 's former maths teacher , Peter Mildenhall .
26 This is the more remarkable since by this time , its mother may have already given birth to another tiny baby that has made its way to the pouch and is fastened on to a teat imbibing milk of a quite different composition .
27 At one time , he was taken as a founding figure for American sociology of a quite different complexion ; while , more recently , interest in his work had developed from an assessment of his considerable influence on Lukács and , through him , to a certain tradition of Western Marxism .
28 Besides the semi-literate glossies , and the best-selling ‘ page-turners ’ that have to be moved aside for the next over-hyped wave , books appear for sale that are of a quite different kind .
29 Meanwhile the notion of education as an instrument , or means to an end , was subject to pressures of a quite different kind .
30 Furthermore , working class old people left behind in areas of deprivation , where the economic recession has bitten hard , may face difficulties of a quite different kind from their middle class counterparts .
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