Example sentences of "[prep] [art] few day [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Most of all , after a few days there began to appear a growing chorus of complaint from hosts about the condition of some of the evacuees .
2 If there is no improvement after a few days then it is either not the appropriate remedy or there are some environmental maintaining causes blocking the remedy action §252 .
3 His words of a few days ago came unbidden into her mind .
4 erm because that 's like a continuous thing erm with with some other stuff , if it 's just like essays or projects due in at the end of this term or beginning of next , you know get , get the light stuff out of the way first erm and try you may find it easier if you , if you , what I used to do was sort of try and , you know , pace it out a little bit and not try and write an essay all at once because I found that very difficult to do but if you just sort of write a paragraph and do , do something else for a bit and you know kind of write another paragraph a bit later on in the day and , and , you know , kind of erm you know work , you know do n't , do n't try and write an essay all in one evening but try and sort of , you know , if you 've managed to spread it out over the course of a few days so that you do n't have to do too much at once I mean it 's difficult to concentrate on one thing
5 A busy man who was prepared for ‘ another talk ’ after the prolonged exchange of a few days earlier , was not quite the self-absorbed , withdrawn person he has sometimes been portrayed .
6 She knew that he was not going to like her question , might well accuse her of all sorts of things , not least acting like a jealous wife instead of a woman on whom he had clapped eyes only a matter of a few days before .
7 While the woman has no natural way of eliminating the infection , it is probable that many men carry the infection in the urethra for a matter of a few days only , after which the flushing action of passing urine may eliminate the organisms .
8 It was left behind a few days ago , Ramsbum does n't know by whom , and no one 's claimed it . ’
9 ‘ She said you had a chill on the kidneys and you 'd be in bed for a few days yet .
10 Lepine was not cremated for a few days yet , until after the despatch of a couple of his victims also being tended to at the Côte-Des-Neiges cemetery , opposite the mountain , alongside the University of Montreal , where Marc Lepine joined his victims in the silence at the centre .
11 Around £150 for family holidays , allowing for a few days reasonably riding as part of the package .
12 Even if it 's only for a few days both you and your baby will benefit .
13 Yes , I think I shall stay on for a few days here . ’
14 I 'm off for a few days again so i 'll be a bit quiet .
15 The one used in London can handle fifty million pieces of information in one second , and it still takes minutes to produce a forecast for a few days ahead .
16 She could stay in Edinburgh for a few days longer , she said , until he was ready to go back .
17 If your parent is allowed home from hospital ( or other National Health Service accommodation ) for a few days occasionally you should notify the Department of Health and Social Security , as she may be entitled to her pension , benefits or allowances at the full rate for that period .
18 It 's when you 've been flying them for a few days consecutively that it ( pardon the pun ) dawns on them that they could escape and find out what 's over the next hill .
19 ‘ Because for a few days now it will be very dangerous in the forest . ’
20 I 've been feeling headachy and dizzy for a few days now . ’
21 ‘ We 've been out of touch for a few days now .
22 The idea had been in the back of her mind for a few days now and this evening had decided it for sure .
23 You let things lapse for a few days more .
24 He did , and there was quiet again for a few days more .
25 So she agreed to that bargain , and for a few days more kept the secret to herself , still hopeful that she might be mistaken , and yet at the same time aware of a feeling of inner triumph at the knowledge that she had her very own baby growing inside her womb .
26 Sometimes I would go on the wagon for a few days then have a binge .
27 A number of retail outlets will allow you to take a rug home for a few days so that you can see it in the context of your home , and this simple precaution can not be recommended too strongly .
28 However , all the attention can over-stimulate the skin and more spots of blemishes may erupt for a few days afterwards , so always book a back treatment about a week before a special night out .
29 And then they 'd call for a few days afterwards er whatever .
30 Even if the Queen ca n't go , she can surely spare at least one member of her family for a few days there .
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