Example sentences of "[prep] [art] few [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Which turned out to be towards a taxi , one of the few remaining on the dockside now that most of the passengers had gone ashore .
2 It was pure idiocy for countries to destroy each other on account of the few responsible for causing the war ; ‘ there was always talk of a long peace , and things were only really being made ready for this war . ’
3 If the adventure had to end , no one among the HFS Loans League side dared to imagine that it might end in less than a month 's time in front of a few thousand at Spotland .
4 ( i ) A complete phase-out of CFCs by the year 2000 ; ( ii ) a phase-out of production of halons by 2000 , with the exception of a few used for medical purposes ; ( iii ) a commitment to " responsible " use of hydrochlorofluorocarbons ( HCFCs , developed by chemical companies as an " ozone-friendly " CFC substitute but themselves causing limited damage to the ozone layer ) , with a view to phasing them out by 2020-40 ; ( iv ) a complete phase-out of carbon tetrachloride ( a solvent used in certain paints and pharmaceuticals ) by 2000 ; and ( v ) a phase-out of methyl chloroform ( used in electronics and metalworking ) by 2005 .
5 In May the National Executive decided to give official recognition to Advance which , since its foundation in December 1935 , had risen from a local circulation of a few hundred to a sale of 15,000 reaching the entire membership of the League .
6 As a result you can end up with a file bordering on the megabytes instead of a few tens of kilobytes .
7 By a quirk of nature , many large-volume rhyolite systems harbour exceptional melt Rb/Sr ratios ( in the range 100–1000 ) and consequently experience rapid changes in Sr-isotope composition as radioactive 87 Rb decays to 87 Sr. With routine measurements of Sr-isotope ratios possible to a precision of a few tens of parts per million , time differences of only a few thousand years between crystallization and eruption ages become detectable .
8 The 10 trillion cells that make up each one of us are the product of a few dozens of generations of cell doublings .
9 Another difficulty arises because , although the semiconducting diodes used in this type of circuit pass quite negligible current under reverse bias , they do drop an appreciable potential difference of a few tenths of a volt in typical operation under forward bias .
10 It should be remembered that in this chapter we are dealing only with stress within the word ; this means that we are looking at words as they are said in isolation , which is a rather artificial situation — we do not often say words in isolation , except for a few such as ‘ yes ’ , ‘ no ’ , ‘ possibly ’ , ‘ please ’ and interrogative words such as ‘ what ’ , ‘ who ’ , etc. , but looking at words in isolation does help us to see stress placement and stress levels more clearly than studying them in the context of continuous speech .
11 After allowing for a few thousand of natural increase , the Serb and Montenegrin population of Kosovo would have fallen from 237,000 in 1981 to about 220,000 in 1986 .
12 The little woman , instead of having to explain the spending of twenty-five shillings of the housekeeping money on a half bottle of " cooking " brandy , would be at liberty to raid the Scotch for a few tablespoonsful at any time , and nobody the wiser .
13 Now , we do n't think he 's going to press charges , but you must realise that if he did you would in fact be facing a charge of assault , and coming as this does on top of your other verbal and written warnings — all within , I 'm afraid to say , Steve , " Mr Smith sat back in his seat with a sigh and flicked through a few more of the papers on his desk , shaking his head at them , " a very short interval of time considering the length of your employment with us , and all regarding previous lapses in … "
14 But the pathway to discovery was established and the scale on which resources were expended to make these discoveries represents a fantastic extravagance when it is compared with the few thousands of pounds available to Florey and his colleagues , and even with the subsequent development of the original penicillins in the United States .
15 If the imagination-free hacks at Today need any more decent ideas , I 'd be happy to supply them with a few more of our back numbers at a very reasonable rate .
16 There are now thought to be 20–25 tigers left in southern China , with a few more of the Siberian variety left in the north .
17 I 'm keeping my fingers crossed that Sierra comes up with a few more of these !
18 Within the last few years , physicists have come within a few thousandths of a degree of absolute zero using a new technique called laser entrapment .
19 The literature of the castle , published by the 29th Laird of Dunvegan , John Macleod of Macleod , makes the business plain : ‘ Since the castle was first opened to the public more than forty years ago , the number of visitors has risen from a few hundred to tens of thousands ’ — many of them Macleod descendants from the New World .
20 Newman believes that in Britain these quasi-governmental and quasi-non-governmental bodies , estimates of which have ranged from a few hundred to a few thousand , depending on definitions , are not ‘ structurally integral to corporatism ’ but a significant domestic phenomenon which reinforces corporatist tendencies .
21 The number of neurones in a brain varies from a few hundred in simple invertebrates up to approximately 10 11 in man .
22 Again we have an increasing speed but , equally important , a decreasing cost per bit , and therefore a capacity increase from a few tens of words to several million characters of main storage .
23 in 1843 , according to which the depths of the ocean beyond a few hundreds of metres were devoid of life .
24 Most species are a few centimetres to a few tens of centimetres long .
25 Larger marine creatures certain to suffer include porpoises and sea snakes , the bottlenose and humpback dolphin , the green and hawksbill turtles , which lay their eggs on tiny Gulf islands , and , most worryingly , the dugong , or sea cow , a relatively rare marine mammal , whose colonies in the Gulf are among the few remaining in the world .
26 To produce the low scarps which wind across the Mercurian surface the radius of Mercury need only have decreased by a few tenths of a percent .
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