Example sentences of "[prep] [art] years [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She could go her own way , or she must hand over that rebellious will , and seek God 's forgiveness for the years when she had been downright disobedient and pushed Him out of her life .
2 There is a special innocence in Doisneau 's photographs of children , especially during the years when he was working with a twin-lens reflex camera held at waist level .
3 Ika , however , had a brilliant command of English , to which he was to add proficiency in several other languages during the years when he practised as a noted paediatrician in Paris .
4 Interested but not involved — except during the years when I was a member , and latterly chairman of the Crofters Commission .
5 If she has a break of , in this illustration , eight years out of employment to rear to children , and works part-time for most of the years when they are still at school , the lifetime earning profile is given by the lower line .
6 You see , I do n't like Christmas very much because it brings back all those painful memories of the years when I was on my own and there was n't much money — not much of anything at all .
7 Throughout the years when he was living in London , Le Queux , together with his friend George R. Sims [ q.v. ] , attended every murder trial of note , but crime was not the only interest that attracted his attention .
8 Once you are starting the second year at the school you see faces that are familiar and through brothers and sisters who are in the years above you get to know them .
9 Though the available data on the contribution record of workers from different socio-economic groups is inadequate in several ways , it can be justifiably claimed that members of the lower socio-economic groups are more likely than members of the higher socio-economic groups to be among the non-qualifiers and , in the years when they existed , to be receiving lower-earnings-related benefits .
10 In the years when they first turned professional , Mr Leo and Ms Libra were practically inseparable .
11 During the 1930s , then , in the years when his popularity was soaring to dizzy heights , Hitler 's public pronouncements on the ‘ Jewish Question ’ were less numerous than might be imagined , and , while certainly hate-filled , were usually couched in abstract generalities in association with western plutocracy or Bolshevism .
12 The Minister can not duck the fact that , even in the years when he had some money from the Chief Secretary to dispose on our arts and cultural life , he deliberately chose not to unfreeze the purchase grants of the galleries .
13 If he finds it amusing that he did not unfreeze acquisition grants even in the years when he had the money to do so , he is in a bad way .
14 As a result , environmental study is virtually neglected in the curriculum in the years when it could be most meaningful and most beneficial , especially to school leavers .
15 That was in the sixties , in the years when it was safe for a small girl child to play unsupervised in a public playground , even in her underwear ; all anyone had to fear was that she might catch cold .
16 Indeed it had never occurred to him to sell bits of Hatherley to keep the paper going any more than he had considered using the profits of the paper , in the years when there were some , to pay for the substantial renovation the house had required .
17 In attempting to formulate some of the constraints and challenges likely to face farmers in the years ahead one was conscious that today 's responses were coloured by today 's situations .
18 In the years ahead we will concentrate particularly on the bypass programme .
19 They hear the access road is coming , they are not consulted , they do n't know anything about it and over the years again I must reiterate .
20 As it was , her own little house was letting nicely ; but it was astonishing how much stuff , with all respect to Mrs Dinah , had collected over the years when they all lived there together .
21 Both Halsey and Goldthorpe ( 21 ) , ( 22 ) , separately have found that the privileged continue to be so over the years when we have claimed that educational opportunity was available to the able child .
22 The implications for my daughter 's safety and security , and and mine and the rest of my family 's , because there have been a number of occasions over the years when I 've had to turn to the police because of my anxiety about that when there 's been a lot of attention from the media and when the press have published our address and so on erm and we 've had I 've had specific death threats particularly against my daughter on one occasion .
23 We have found it amazing over the years how our spiritual relationship affects our physical relationship .
24 The time and effort demanded of them may put a strain on their relationship with a partner , who may have been looking forward to the years when they could be alone again as a couple .
25 at the years how she changed , practically every year !
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