Example sentences of "[prep] [art] first four [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 For the first four holes I played like a 20-handicapper .
2 For the first four Mondays in the month a walk will set off at 10.30am from Plas y Brenin National Mountain Centre ( GR 1718579 ) .
3 We will pay you 2,000 for seeing through to completion the data files from the submitted ASCII files for the first four titles of Reading for English , 50% of this on signature of this letter and 50% on delivery .
4 The A&R depts that we dealt with when last I was in a band ( about 18 months ago ) all seemed to consist of young men in Armani suits and long raincoats , who only stayed for the first four numbers then left .
5 Moreover , foreign policy dictated caution ; with France and Scotland in alliance , she could not immediately break with Spain , and for the first four months of her reign the watching world was asked to believe in her willingness to contemplate marriage with her late sister 's husband , Philip II .
6 For the first four months he also funded his salary out of personal savings .
7 Her entire gross profit for the first four months had been negated by shoplifting tots .
8 TRADE : The gradual improvement in trade has held for the first four months of 1993 according to the Builders Merchants Federation .
9 Meanwhile , a spokesman for Stena Sealink , which carries twice as much as its competitors , P&O and SeaCat , admitted its car traffic was down by about 9pc for the first four months of 1993 , with the total number of passengers also slightly down .
10 Mineral revenue for the first four months of 1990 was calculated at US$1,075,600 .
11 In April there was the first deficit on the visible trade account for 10 years ; for the first four months of 1991 the deficit was DM12,000 million ( compared with a surplus for 1990 as a whole of DM77,000 million ) .
12 The 1992 , Europe and Trade campaign , beginning in September 1992 , will have an emphasis on Latin America for the first four months and then for the remainder of the year will focus on Europe and Trade in the global context .
13 The pregnancy was uneventful apart from bedrest for the first four months .
14 Monitoring of the service has already begun , and results for the first four months will be published in May .
15 Figures released yesterday for the first four months of the year show total crime in the county is up 12pc on this time last year , with the detection rate down by 3pc .
16 ‘ The plates at least for the first four courses are washed as they come out of the dining room . ’
17 Like most Taï chimpanzee mothers , Ricci had generously shared any nuts she cracked with her daughter Nina , for the first four years of her life .
18 For the first four years of the new school 's existence the buildings were used much as they had been prior to amalgamation , but in 1974 organisation was rationalised to provide departmental areas with teaching rooms and adjacent resource bases .
19 I often wish I could live them over again , even though for the first four years I had to supplement my poor earnings by doing evening jobs . ’
20 In the immediate neighbourhood of The Milebrook were few families except for the local farmers , and for the first four years there we had no transport other than bicycles and a pony cart .
21 You can see on the Covermaster , on an escalating plan , it 's twenty percent each year for the first four years .
22 Now if you 've got somebody who you are protecting their family , and they 'll be paying that plan twenty five years or more , the fact that they pay commissions out for the first four years is immaterial , what they want is peace of mind and protection .
23 For the first three weeks you will be alternating aerobic walking with moderate walking for the first four days each week , followed by one day 's rest .
24 They became increasingly sleepy for the first four days until it became almost impossible for the experimenters to keep them awake .
25 Well erm , I 've just come up and and the accident so I 'm only entitled to money for the first four days .
26 Well erm I 've just come off holiday and so I wo n't be entitled to none for the first four days .
27 For the first four days , the exit-ramp to Motherwell and Hamilton at junction six will be closed .
28 For the first four miles of its existence on Manhattan Island , it serves as a sort of grand metaphor for the exuberant social chaos that characterises New York in its present state of near-disintegration .
29 Read through the diet section for the first four weeks and read through the recipes if you are likely to be using them .
30 It was during the first four decades of the twentieth century that the major contours of psychoanalytic theory were first developed by Freud .
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