Example sentences of "[prep] [art] first [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 But it might help your learners if they used some of your techniques for the first five or ten minutes of viewing .
2 The sailors face split into a grin for the first tame when Yanto handed him four pound notes .
3 for the first nineteen and a half minutes .
4 He proved and illustrated from Bede that for the first hundred and forty years after its foundation as an archbishopric , Canterbury had held primatial authority over the whole country ; then he went on to prove , though more sketchily , that this state of affairs had lasted without intermission until the Norman Conquest .
5 For the first two and a half years of his life he was in and out of hospital until they found the right medication .
6 When they first interviewed Sykes , on Monday this is , he told them he was staying at a cottage in the Lake District entirely on his own for the first two and a half weeks in September .
7 I suggest the patient takes it on waking for the first two or three days and then experiments either with increasing the amount or by introducing an extra dose in the afternoon or evening .
8 IRAS will scan the Milky Way for the first two or three months , concluding with passes over the centre of the galaxy — a strong infrared source hidden from optical astronomers by dust .
9 Use the graft for the first two or three feet ( 60 to 90 centimetres ) of the hole and thereafter use the long spade .
10 The eggs were clear for the first two or three days , after which the developing fish were clearly visible inside .
11 Sunday best pale and awkward teenagers , unsure and toughly giggly , sit around the central dance floor waiting for the first two or three to start dancing so that the rush can begin .
12 This can be incorporated into the merger agreement , with effect for the first two or three years after the merger .
13 mean , presumably it 's quite easy for the first two or three weeks , it 's after , after a couple of months that er life gets more difficult .
14 Certainly the general belief was that , having wantonly thrown away a Conservative majority , Baldwin could not remain as Party leader let alone Prime Minister ; and Randolph Churchill , the biographer of Lord Derby , comments that ‘ It is interesting to notice in Derby 's correspondence , and in that of other leading Tories of the time , how for the first two or three weeks after the Party 's defeat in the Election there was an unchallenged assumption that Baldwin could not survive the catastrophe . ’
15 In the afternoon he had a 34 for the first nine and I thought it was all over bar the shouting .
16 For the first four or five pages there is absolutely no mention of a bee .
17 Amdahl Corp , Sunnyvale has launched a consulting service and data storage feature to facilitate the migration of customers to Escon Architecture : the company accompanies the new service with a new Serial Channel Feature for next quarter for use with its 6100 Storage Processor , which attaches to parallel channel adaptors on the 6100 and enable it to support serial Escon channel connections ; a 6100 with the feature will support up to 32 Escon serial channels or a mixture of serial and parallel channels ; native serial channels cost $62,560 for the first four and $32,280 for each additional pair ; the Serial Channel Feature start at $21,000 .
18 Behind a grid , there is strong turbulent energy production for the first ten or so grid mesh-lengths along the tunnel ; the turbulence then becomes substantially isotropic and decays with distance down the tunnel .
19 We bought it , along with 60 acres , and opened a farm shop for the first three or four years , to sell our surplus .
20 Unlike baby goslings which lock on to the first moving object in sight , the newborn baby will be relatively undiscriminating about who tends his needs for the first three or four months of life .
21 For the first three or four days after the Residency had been abandoned a number of the ladies had been employed in making cartridges ; now , because of the shortage of lead for the moulds , the job had been left to Lucy , who had become extraordinarily skilful .
22 It might go well for the first three or four months , and then all of a sudden we might have a lapse in a few months ,
23 Yeah well , you see , we found that for the first three or four years now they 've gradually dropped off a bit , but they did used to , I mean they still come , but it
24 The Conservatives were to rule for thirteen years , with Churchill as Prime Minister for the first three and a half .
25 Actually there are many stars with proper names , but in general these are used only for the first 30 or so , plus a few fainter stars of special interest — such as Polaris , Mizar in the Great Bear , and the variable star Mira , in Cetus , the Whale .
26 She stayed with the Cohens for the first seven or eight years of Leonard 's life . )
27 He gave the pope an account of the evidence that had been brought forward , giving first place , and by far the greatest amount of space , to the testimony of Bede 's Ecclesiastical History , which showed that the archbishops of Canterbury , acting on the authority of Pope Gregory I and his successors , had exercised general authority over the whole of the British Isles during the first hundred and forty years of its existence : they had consecrated bishops for all parts of the country , summoned councils , deposed unworthy bishops , and had been generally responsible for spreading Catholic discipline into Wales and Scotland .
28 The chances are that during the first eight or nine years you may appear to be treading water in the process of proving yourself .
29 To make the needle fit the groove , the disc contained abrasive material , so the tip would be ground down during the first two or three revolutions .
30 If instead of paid work , you are thinking of becoming self-employed or setting up a business , you will not only have the start-up costs but , as you are probably well aware , very few new enterprises make a profit during the first two or three years .
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