Example sentences of "[prep] [art] time when there " in BNC.

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1 In fact , Margaret 's account of Samoa was based on interviews through an interpreter , with twenty five adolescent girls , in the back room of the U S Navy er , dispensary , er , on the main island of Samoa during a time when there was considerable anti-American er , feeling .
2 In a time when there is an obvious and ever-increasing need to find leisure opportunities , an ever-growing thirst for expression and knowledge , and in the light of testimonies from those who have passed through the door , the decision to close that door seems as ill-timed as it is incomprehensible .
3 I do n't like just doing research without communicating it , and I think if you 've got an interest and you can communicate it well to people , then it stimulates their enjoyment and of course in a time when there 's going to have to be more and more leisure I think that 's very important .
4 And I think if you 've got an interest and you can communicate it well to people , then it stimulates their enjoyment , and of course in a time when there 's going to have to be more and more leisure , I think that 's very important .
5 It was coined in 1969 by the American scientist John Wheeler as a graphic description of an idea that goes back at least two hundred years , to a time when there were two theories about light : one , which Newton favored , was that it was composed of particles ; the other was that it was made of waves .
6 Outlining plans for a rededication service by the Bishop of Clogher , Dr Brian Hannon , next Sunday , Mr Knowd said : ‘ We want to make this the beginning of a new chapter in the life of the church , which is a vital part of the heritage of the area , reaching back to a time when there was no denominational difference among Christians .
7 At the time when there were doubts about whether or not the tour would go ahead , after the first invitations were largely turned down , numerous stories started to circulate that there would be money available and that sponsors were in the country looking for players .
8 AT a time when there are searching questions about the medical aspect of the sport , it may seem unfortunate that a man who suffers from a disability is fighting for a world title .
9 The disclosures come at a time when there are three known bids by senior civil servants to buy out part of the Crown Suppliers when it is privatised next year .
10 The Defence wheel can only be put over for a major change of course when there is a fortuitous coincidence of national and international events , political trends , and economic pressures at a time when there is also a Secretary of State in office , who has the strength of character and political standing to create a new consensus in Whitehall , Westminster , and the electorate .
11 There had been visits by the Royal couple to several foreign countries also , including Communist countries at a time when there existed grave doubts about relationships with those countries .
12 The Milanese used the event to reset watches and clocks at a time when there was no acceptable absolute measure of time .
13 And she 'd come out of all that and she 'd opened her bar , at a time when there were hardly any .
14 At a time when there is a national and international shortage of staff skilled in the computer handling of geographical data ( Rhind and Mounsey 1989 ) , ‘ ease of use ’ is a vital criterion for the selection of an appropriate GIS .
15 Glaciers or vast sheets of ice were moving slowly across the lowlands , just 20 000 years ago , at a time when there were only a few primitive humans living in caves in southern Britain .
16 We thus have to begin our examination of local politics in a restructured Britain , at a time when there were supposedly no local politics .
17 ‘ This must take place in the early hours of the morning in order that the narcotic is delivered at a time when there is little public activity .
18 This is a problem which seems to affect a considerable number of men in their forties and fifties , at a time when there may be a good deal of pressure on them at work and at home .
19 At a time when there is very little colour in the garden , a few choice plants and shrubs will create interest until the summer when the garden will be transformed with summer-flowering plants and climbing roses
20 Finally , Faculty examinations are unnecessary because they would create confusion in the minds of the general public and fragment the tax profession , at a time when there is a premium on cooperation .
21 It was at a time when there was a big age difference : the elder students were ex-soldiers .
22 At a time when there is such disaffection from socialism among many thinking people it is ironic to see the Christian churches attempting to accommodate themselves to what is at heart a devilish religion and ideology .
23 ‘ This was at a time when there was a lot of unpleasantness shown to people with AIDS , ’ he said in an interview with The Mail on Sunday .
24 They existed in significant numbers in the town at a time when there was restiveness amongst some antislavery people at the growing identification of antislavery with political liberalism and the demands of religious dissent .
25 This is particularly important at a time when there is little mobility in the education service .
26 Only when unemployment rose , however , were policies of this kind put into practice and this was at a time when there were insufficient jobs .
27 In 1826 he took over his deceased brother 's drapery business in Bedford at a time when there was a serious run on the banks and many small traders were struggling to survive .
28 At a time when there were five married couples over the age of 60 in the workhouse , Mr. Chapman noted that , while William Wilson and Frances , his wife , were desirous of sleeping together , Thomas White and his wife Elizabeth , could not agree to do so — the man was willing but his wife was not .
29 ‘ Obviously one has to welcome investment in road infrastructure , but at a time when there is no cash for new rolling stock or proper line maintenance , I find this very surprising . ’
30 The campaign aimed at the general population had been right at a time when there was ignorance about AIDS , she said .
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