Example sentences of "[prep] [art] same [noun] a " in BNC.

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1 , Abraham ( c. 1793–1860 ) , bricklayer and the last man subjected to an ‘ appeal of murder ’ , by which a person acquitted of murder could be tried for the same offence a second time , was born c .1793 , the son of a Castle Bromwich builder .
2 Chevron 's net profits for the first quarter of this year ( adjusted for changes in accounting ) were $101m , 47% higher than for the same period a year earlier .
3 The pupil understands the following : 1a measurement is repeated covering by a unit ; 1b different sized units will give different numerical values whet , the same measurement is made ; 1 c for the same measurement a larger unit will give a smaller numerical value than will a smaller unit ; 1d the transitivity of the relationships " larger than " and " smaller than " .
4 During the same period a Mr. Bowes & Co. paid £75 in 1762 and £129 in 1766 , although there is no indication who Bowes , in fact , was .
5 During the same period a much less exclusively analytical approach was being developed by an enterprising young couple , David and Jane Shields , who based their tiny ecological engineering company , Living Water , at Edinburgh University .
6 About the same time a series of unsolved murders of prostitutes in that city came to an end .
7 At the end of 1777 de Broglie submitted to King Louis XVI an improved version of the proposals he had drafted 12 years before while at about the same time a new figure appeared on the scene , the 39-year-old Edward Dumouriez , an able army officer who had caught the eye of the king and been appointed Commandant of Cherbourg .
8 And about the same time a mystery blaze broke out at Madame Tussaud 's , another of the capitals major tourist attractions .
9 ‘ Round about the same time a Panamanian registered cargo ship by the name of the Ramsland , chartered by the same gang who had organized the Valhalla , put into Boston harbour and was promptly seized by the United States Coast Guard .
10 At about the same time a consortium of West European banks refused to grant Cuba the credits it had requested , apparently as a result of US pressure .
11 About the same time a papal envoy , Egidius , was despatched to gain news , followed by Cardinal Guido of Preneste , the pope 's personal representative .
12 Thus in 1506 the Spanish representative in Venice was succeeded by his son , who presented to the doge on the day after his father 's death credentials prepared in advance ; and when about the same time a French ambassador to Hungary died , his duties immediately passed to his nephew , who completed the work of the embassy .
13 He had been through the same mill a couple of years before .
14 It is not advisable to indulge in elegant variation ; repetition of the same word a dozen times to convey the same meaning in the same paragraph is better than risking ambiguity .
15 The respondent , without authority , keyed commands into a computer and thereby obtained by means of the same computer a discount , to which he was not entitled , on goods being purchased at a supplier .
16 Plotted on double logarithmic graph paper this emerges as a straight line making forecasting of costs for projected future batches of the same product a simple exercise as long as conditions are not seriously altered .
17 The remainder is a retrograde of the same series a semitone lower .
18 Net profits slumped by 41% to $12.3m compared with the same period a year ago .
19 Third-quarter net profits at News Corp more than doubled to A$191m ( $140m ) , compared with the same period a year ago ; net profit for the nine months to the end of March increased to A$144m .
20 Sitting on stones under the same rhododendron a small bird spread her wings and dozed .
21 When under the same conditions a saturated fatty acid ( stearic ) replaced the arachiodonic acid in sn-2 position almost all biliary cholesterol was in the vesicular fraction .
22 The society always received and still receives from the same surveyor a basic valuation containing a summary of some but not all the matters contained in the report to the borrower .
23 Two were out of contact because of physical distance : the fate of a Berwickshire couple who had emigrated to Australia was ‘ a mystery ’ , while even within the same county a Norfolk farm labourer 's parents were too far away to visit on foot , so the family ‘ hardly ever saw them . ’
24 In the same way a horse may want to touch a person that it likes .
25 In the same way a late Roman coin might have the mint mark LON standing for Londinium , the short-lived Roman mint at London which operated between AD286 and 326 .
26 In the same way a temple which was situated at the top of a flight of steps might be shown on top of steps , though the number of steps on the coin would normally be fewer than in reality .
27 After flushing out food residues they may be brushed with hot alkali degreaser solution in the same way a chest freezer is tackled .
28 And , of course , in the same way a student going on to university or polytechnic may immediately make use of some of the Wissenschaft , the actual knowledge , he has acquired at school .
29 Speedbird make holidays in the same way a great artist creates a painting : 10% inspiration , 90% perspiration .
30 People could speak English before there was universal literacy , and in the same way a child learns to speak long before he learns to read and write .
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