Example sentences of "[prep] [art] same [noun] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For the same calculation other pupils rounded 17p to 20p , a strategy which works here but would not work for £1.50 .
2 Ideally , your contract will provide that you will be guaranteed receipt of the same sum net of UK tax if you unexpectedly have to pay that tax .
3 In addition , his brother Mark won the under-16's of the same tournament due to a defaulting opponent .
4 The bow is of the same openwork trifoliate design but has a additional small know mounted on the top .
5 Remembering that the step length of a motor is inversely proportional to the number of rotor teeth ( Chapter 1 ) , we see that a short step-length motor gives a smaller static position error than an equally-loaded motor with the same peak static torque but longer step length .
6 Champions North-West stood head and shoulders above the rest last year , the only side to remain unbeaten and with the same squad available , will take all the beating once again .
7 Note also that the test is also sensitive to the standard deviation — a wide ’ spread ’ of scores ( as demonstrated by the results for music ) will produce a lower z-score than a domain with the same percentage correct but a narrow spread of scores ( e.g. estate agents ) .
8 Last month , O'Neill was fined £200 under the same FA disciplinary rule , following an incident with referee Royston Osborne , when Wycombe lost at Cheltenham in February .
9 John Akast , an assistant recorder from the same East Anglian chambers and based in Ipswich , has been appointed a Recorder to the South Eastern Circuit .
10 The majority of farm servants stayed only the one year with their master after the annual hiring , but they moved only into the service of other farmers drawing labour from the same hiring fair .
11 Only the sailing types appreciated the problems of keeping the same bit of distant coast line ahead on the same point of sailing and in the same position relative to the other boats .
12 A student , faced with discourse slightly beyond his or her current knowledge , is in the same position relative to that discourse as we are to the above .
13 In the same way sacred manuscripts were commonly bound in covers enriched with ivory , gold and precious stones as a way of marking and enhancing the reverence in which they were held ( fig. 32 ) .
14 Right they all make the salt , they all make it in the same way Hydrochloric acid would make ?
15 In the same way single enzymes in a living cell usually can not , on their own , achieve the synthesis of a useful end-product from a given starting chemical .
16 It would not make any difference if fluid was being poured into the funnel , but if the arrow traced the path of a ball-bearing dropped into the funnel then the baffle plate would speed up the descent of the ball into the tube part of the funnel , In the same way structural changes need to take account of what is to pass through the structure .
17 The design staff and manual workers at Lucas jointly felt that there was something seriously wrong about forms of technology which could make product systems as complex as Concorde while in the same society old people were dying of hypothermia .
18 Thus it is possible for one of these three Conventions to apply in relation to a purely internal supply-contract in which goods move from one place in a State to another place in the same State pursuant to a contract concluded by acts of offer and acceptance entirely within that State .
19 In the same century universal history also flourished , mainly with the object of determining the end of the world , after the year 1000 had passed without any sign of its impending occurrence .
20 Some sort of fire prevention had been in existence , for a number of hydrants were placed around the village and earlier in the same year extra hydrants were provided and the fire appliance committee was formed .
21 The voltage across the diode , V D , follows that from the output of the switch , that is , very closely equal to V 1 assuming an ideal switch , during the period T O N ; when the switch opens , the back e.m.f. inversion across the inductor allows current I D to pass through the diode , this current being in the same direction inductor-wise as before but now decreasing .
22 Two console tables and two encoigneurs in the same taste complete the furniture , with the exception of the carpet , which is Axminster , of suitable design , and the rich tones of which contrast advantageously with the delicate effect of the other furniture : in the centre of the design are the Royal Arms .
23 Thus , although incoming variants of both vowels appear to have originated in the same hinterland Scots dialect , each has assumed a diametrically opposed social value in its new urban setting .
24 In the same month Swiss unemployment rose to the still modest rate of 0.7% .
25 In October US Secretary of State James Baker offered economic advice and technical assistance to help perestroika , and in the same month Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan visited Moscow to advise Soviet officials .
26 Over the same period Japanese wholesale prices rose by 1.0% and Swiss prices edged down 0.1% .
27 Over the same period Swedish workers received a 4.4% pay rise — a real cut of 7.3% .
28 Over the same period new business almost doubled to FFr68.4bn , total loans and other financings grew from FFr94.3bn to FFr146bn , and savings managed jumped from FFr6.3bn to FFr29.9bn .
29 Over the same period similar and greater profits could have been gained on other securities .
30 Over the same period French industrial production rose 1.9% , but Sweden 's output fell 2.1% .
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