Example sentences of "[prep] [art] long [noun sg] they " in BNC.

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1 After the long drive they were understandably tired , yet for some reason Stirling failed to post sentries .
2 For a long minute they seemed as one , then , abruptly , the spell was broken .
3 For a long time they just held each other there under the stars .
4 For a long time they treated the question of political power as wholly subordinate to the social struggle .
5 For a long time they had led a life of measured grace ; regular sedate walks with their mistress , superb food in ample quantities and long snoring sessions on the rugs and armchairs .
6 And then er a and then after they had been in hay ricks for a long time they were brought up to the farm and built into a bigger stack , a bigger thing .
7 For a long time they did not speak .
8 Finally her arms went gently round his waist , and for a long time they sat there , while he listened to the sounds of the party , and felt — against his side , and within the perimeter his arm made around her — the gentle ebb and flow of her breath , Please , please , do n't come now , Mrs Hunter .
9 For a long time they clung together so until , with a haggard shaking of her head , Emilia freed herself from the embrace , struggled for , and found , a measure of composure .
10 The characteristic of all those areas is that for a long time they have been Labour controlled , although Conservatives have been in control in Brent for the past year and the Liberal Democrats have recently been in control in Tower Hamlets .
11 Afterwards she clung to him , the tears wet on her cheeks , and for a long time they lay together in silence as the light of the October evening faded around them .
12 Luce buried her face against Michele 's neck and for a long time they sat without moving or speaking .
13 For a long time they thought it might have been dysentery , but thank goodness it did n't turn out to be that serious .
14 For a long moment they stood facing each other .
15 For a long moment they gazed silently into each other 's eyes , and she felt the familiar tug of longing deep in her stomach .
16 He turned to look at her again , and for a long moment they stared at each other , irreconcilable strangers either side of a barrier ; and yet Sara had the odd feeling that some part of her longed to understand Matthew Preston , to agree with him , to acquiesce in his decisions .
17 For a long moment they stared at each other and it was as if the body language they had shared in the pool had ceased to be a game and the strained politeness of the last week had never been .
18 For a long moment they both stopped eating , and looked across the table at each other .
19 For a long moment they lay and she gazed down at him , their eyes locked .
20 In the long run they will have to bear the consequences of an unrealistic and immature child .
21 Equally , if we conclude that other presuppositions are not true , we can be sure that in the long run they will not prove satisfactory either , and we should root them out .
22 In the long run they are incorrect to the degree that they are incomplete .
23 We never asked for these technologies , and in the long run they give us fewer choices , not more .
24 Forest fans gave it to that slag Clough and in the long run they got a bitter reward .
25 Mind you , you see in the long run they proved that she was
26 In the long afternoon they toured the city Turnwise of the river .
27 This is the challenge for the brewers and their designers — to survive in the long term they must , in certain instances , address this radically broadened target market .
28 If we fail to build a healthy , living soil , chemicals will , at best , provide a short-term panacea ; in the long term they will ‘ kill the goose that lays the golden egg ’ .
29 They have no chance of winning the title this season and in the long term they 'll struggle to win the Premier League because they ca n't compete with Blackburn , Arsenal , Leeds and Manchester United … not only on the playing field but on the financial front .
30 Resident Simon Halliwell says ‘ This place is a gift for a person with a big ego and a big wallet and in the long term they wo n't be of any use to the island . ’
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