Example sentences of "[prep] [art] last [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In Chronic Diseases we are told that when giving remedies in solid form i.e. solid form i.e. granules or powders dry on the tongue , Hahnemann found that remedies prepared with more than two shakes were too strong so stayed with two strokes for consistency ; but during the last years since I have been giving every dose of medicine in a solution , divided over fifteen , twenty or thirty days and even more , no potentizing in an attenuating vial is found too strong , and again I use ten strokes . ’
2 I think about the last ones that was taken there was an old man Ramsey that died at er Dalvaine , and they carried him out that way .
3 I did a few of the last ones but .
4 An account of the last hours and words is written for the edification of those unable to be present .
5 One of the last speeches that the Conference heard was a very emotional speech from a delegate from , Russia , within a winds breath of Chernobyl .
6 Mr Jenkin said : ‘ A fall in the jobless total will be one of the last indications that the recession is coming to an end .
7 Carry the Lecfile with you , containing perhaps two or three of the last sheets that you were working on at the previous lecture .
8 PLEASE CONTINUE , those of you who have difficulty are reminded that a list of fundraising ideas was sent out with the last notes and we would hope that the areas would get together and hold rallies and/or cheese and wine evenings/coffee mornings etc .
9 Notice how the sunset and the greeting are welded together in the last stanzas and are transformed into the endless journey and ‘ human sweetness ’ of the last three lines .
10 ‘ When we split up I was really pissed off that we had n't achieved a lot of things we could have done , and that mood was coming through in the last records because it was depressing .
11 Simon rowed in the last Olympics and has competed in 4 world championships .
12 ‘ The coercion may of course be of different kinds , it may be in the grossest form , such as actual confinement or violence , or a person in the last days or hours of life may have become so weak and feeble , that a very little pressure will be sufficient to bring about the desired result , and it may even be , that the mere talking to him at that stage of illness and pressing something upon him may so fatigue the brain , that the sick person may be induced , for quietness ' sake , to do anything .
13 He had his beloved wife Helen by his side in the last days and hours of his life .
14 ‘ It was only in the last years that you knew us . ’
15 The rise of the international business schools over the last decades and the substantial increase in the numbers of Third World students in the universities and technical institutes of the First World have provided an ever-increasing pool of potential local employees for the TNCs , and recruitment is brisk .
16 Nevertheless , my beliefs have changed over the last years and the message is clear : I no longer think in terms of ‘ further education for not quite all ’ but of providing access to learning for everyone .
17 His lips were still purse on the last words when they suddenly sprang wide as he saw her almost stagger back from him , her hand to her throat , the colour draining from her face .
18 … the recent prosecution of three ex-Constables for grave offences of shopbreaking and garage-breaking of which they were found guilty at the last Assizes and sentenced to long-term imprisonment .
19 I was at the last Olympics and it was a tremendous experience .
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