Example sentences of "[prep] [art] three [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is sometimes argued that if the Earth , Venus and Mars were veneered by volatile-rich bodies subsequent to the main phase of accretion , then the inert gas graphs for the three planets in Figure 5.2 should lie roughly on top of each other .
2 This left him tied on 205 for the three rounds with Baker-Finch , who shot 72 on the third day .
3 Pacino may pick a consolation Supporting Oscar for his hunchback in Dick Tracy , but this year could see instead ‘ length of service ’ Oscars for Richard Harris ( first nominated in 1963 for This Sporting Life ) and Joanne Woodward ( first nominated in 1957 for The Three Faces of Eve ) .
4 To the left are shown examples of individual absorbance spectra for the three types of cones : the λ max values lie close to 565 , 535 and 430nm , as is typical for Old World primates .
5 One of the finest examples used to be de Valois ' dance for the Three Comforters in Job .
6 Analysis of variance was used to compare the ten junctions for each judgment task averaging each subject 's responses for the three exemplars of each junction .
7 Moreover , not very many of their sculptural portraits have survived ( only a few over a hundred for the three centuries after Alexander ) , partly because they were often made of bronze which was readily melted down for re-use .
8 In Table 3.1 the figures for the three extracts of Conrad , Lawrence , and James , are set side by side , so that there is some standard of comparison , some " relative norm " , however limited ( see 2.4 ) , for judging the significant properties of each text .
9 For technical reasons it was not always possible to obtain good results for the three probes on tissue from the same patient .
10 Everyone went wild with laughter again , except for the three men above us , who received such a jolt that they nearly released their macabre cargo onto our heads .
11 The figures for the three months to the end of November indicate that the policy of high interest rates is beginning to have an impact in slowing down the across-the-board demand for imports which has set Britain on course for a worst ever annual trade deficit .
12 February orders in the US , based on the usual three-month moving average , rose 0.8% on the average figure for the three months to January , to $2,065m and shipments on the same basis rose 2.2% to $1,750m .
13 Average orders for the three months to March in the US market rose 5.4% at $2,194m compared with the figure for the three months to February , and were 46.5% higher than the figure compiled a year ago .
14 Average orders for the three months to March in the US market rose 5.4% at $2,194m compared with the figure for the three months to February , and were 46.5% higher than the figure compiled a year ago .
15 Shipments for the three months to March on the same basis rose 7% to $1,872m , up 33.9% on the March 1992 figure .
16 Average shipments for the three months to April were up 3.5% on the March figure at $1,919m , and up 34.3% on the year ago figure .
17 A pre-tax profit for the three months to 31st March 1993 of $41.9m is announced today ( May 11 ) by the Scottish-based insurance group General Accident .
18 Full details of the results for the three months to 31st March 1993 with comparisons for the first quarter of 1992 are included in the Statistical Information attached to this press release .
19 A further cut of 1 per cent was announced by the Australian Reserve Bank on May 16 , following the release of figures for the three months to March which showed the annualized rate of inflation had fallen from 6.9 per cent to 4.9 per cent , the lowest for nine years .
20 Paid wages of £1,500 for the three months to date .
21 Provisional figures published by the Central Statistical Office showed the deficit for the three months to the end of March was £4.5bn , compared with £4.35bn the previous quarter .
22 Provisional figures published by the Central Statistical Office yesterday showed the deficit for the three months to the end of March was £4.5bn compared with £4.35bn the previous quarter .
23 Further distortions arise from Beazer Homes , Hanson 's last big UK acquisition , which did not contribute fully in the results for the three months to end-December 1991 .
24 For the three months of location filming here in Boston , Goldie was constantly surrounded by her beloved brood .
25 The OPCS diagnoses for the three patients with untraced records were cholangitis ( 1 ) , alcoholic liver disease ( 1 ) , and pancreatic carcinoma with hepatorenal syndrome ( 1 ) .
26 For the three weeks of rehearsals before the production opened in Edinburgh , he moved out of his Wimbledon home and stayed in a small hotel room , away from his wife and children .
27 The only basis on which criticism can be made of the inevitable decline in investment during the recession is if high praise is lavished on the Government for the three years in the last 1980s when investment touched peaks .
28 After permission had been obtained for access to medical records , the OPCS provided details of all admissions to this hospital with various liver diseases ( diagnoses listed int Table I ) for the three years from 1 January 1987 ( the most recent dates available ) .
29 The longest part of the conditions was the schedule of requirements for the three parts of the competition : under ‘ Design , No. 1 . ,
30 Our samples were no exception : Table 5.1 takes a loose definition of ‘ carer ’ and shows — for the three points in time — whether the dementia sufferer lived with someone who helped in some way to care for him or her , and if not , how frequently he or she was visited by someone on an informal caring basis .
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